Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 17, 2018

A New Chapter In Our Lives

We headed to Upstate New York on Friday.  It was a beautiful day.  The whole weekend was beautiful, actually.  Sunshine, no humidity, big white puffy clouds.

When we arrived Rachel went through the registration process.

The dining room.  This place holds a ton of people and the food is amazingly good.

Her school is located on a lake!

We stayed in a nearby lodge.  Its exactly what you'd expect from a lodge in the Adirondacks.

There were some changing leaves there, and they definitely were decorated for the fall.  Peak season is in about two weeks.  Just in time for my birthday!

My breakfast Saturday morning.

It was foggy in the mornings...

But clear and bright by afternoon.

You know I always notice the flowers...

Saturday evening we took a ferry over to Vermont just for fun.

We managed some smiling photos Sunday morning...

But the tears flowed when we left.  

We are so proud of Rachel for her hard work to go to school fully funded.  She'll have no debt when she finishes.  We're thankful for her love for the Lord and for her choosing to take a year of her life and study the Bible.  We believe it will benefit her for her lifetime.

Now I need to get back to my daily life.  Take Sarah to work, I'm getting my hair cut, shopping for groceries, supervising Kyle's schoolwork.  I tell you I could get used to having all my meals prepared for me like we had this weekend. (grin)  

Have a great week!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I would love to attend school at that place! It is beautiful. We have some leaves dropping here but it still feels like summer (we don't really start to see much color until mid-October). It is another hot and humid week but a possible season ending cold front is on the way by the weekend.

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Such a new chapter for sure. Congrats to your daughter.

Cheryl said...

My emotions are all over the place as I read this post. It is mostly exciting and good and right and exactly what needs to happen. But my mama-heart is feeling the changes (at your house and at mine too) and I am crying the tears with you. Oh, but it will all be good, right?! Yes, it will!

(Don't mind me having a little conversation with you and with myself here in your blog comments.)

Kim said...

Exciting times! Good luck to her!

podso said...

These milestone moments arrives much sooner than we think they should. I hope Rachel has a great year. I showed the Gardener your photo of the lake. He was a camp counselor there for a couple of summers in highschool.

Theresa said...

What a beautiful place! I know you are proud and she will do great things in her life! Sending hugs and prayers your way!

Tea and Friendship

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