Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday Five - Books

Book talk today!

1. A friend shared this meme on Instagram the other day and I found it to be too true!

2. Fortunes Claimed - I'm reading this one for review.  I've missed a lot of reading time, but hope to get into it more.  I'm enjoying it so far.

3. I found this book at our library's used book store for $1.00  The premise seems interesting but reading reviews on Amazon made me wonder about it.  Have any of you read it?  It is worth reading?

4. I'm going to be hosting two book club meetings in March for our co-op moms.  I think this is the book I'm going to use.  I've been slowly reading through and I think it will be encouraging, challenging, and life giving.

5. For those of you with little ones in your life, I highly recommend Sally Lloyd-Jones' The Jesus Storybook Bible.

We've shied away from bibles for our children that were written in storybook form, or had anything like that in its title.  We never want to give the impression that Jesus is a fairy tale!

This book doesn't do that and it is well written and had delightful illustrations!  

I hope you have a delightful weekend.  Our weather is supposed to be phenomenal!  Can't wait!


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I've got The Little Paris Bookshop waiting on my 'to read' pile, so I can't give you my two cents worth of feedback yet. The book by the Clarkson ladies is one I would like to read, I hope you and the co-op moms enjoy it. Let us know. Happy weekend!

Elizabethd said...

I enjoyed the Little Paris Bookshop, mainly because of its being set in Paris!

Vee said...

That meme is cute! I know nothing of any of these featured books. You’ll have to fill us in if you read them. I think beautifully illustrated children’s Bibles are very important, which reminds me to purchase another for my little great-nephew. Enjoy the weekend...should be a blast of autumn here, which I am not that excited about.

Mrs.T said...

I could relate to many of the "things book lovers do" for sure.

I purchased The Life-Giving Home last year, I think, but have only dipped into a chapter here and there so far. When you share with your co-op moms, will you also share with your blog readers? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Cheryl said...

I read The Life Giving Home several years ago and enjoyed it! I have a very long "to read" list right now, because I do not read as much as I used to. I used to read a lot at night, but now my eyesight is not so keen at nighttime.

One of my favorite Bible story books was for toddlers: The Mommy & Me Story Bible. It was worded very simply and each story had something that a toddler could do to reinforce the story. Such sweet times spent together. Also, my mom gave a chronological Bible story book to Bekah when she was small. I can't remember the name of it right now, but it had a little timeline on the bottom of each page so you could trace God's story all through the book.

e l i z a b e t h ♡ said...

Oh, I love The Lifegiving Home and am, in fact, reading it again for the third time. This time, however, I have decided to savour each and every page and not rush through as I've done in the past because I was so excited about what I was reading.

The Paris bookshop novel looks delightfully splendid...please let us know what you think once you've finished it! I'd love to hear :)

Enjoy your weekend ♥

Theresa said...

I haven’t read any of those books. I look forward to your reviews. Have a beautiful weekend dear friend. Hugs

Kim said...

I just started reading three books, although I never seem to have enough time to read every day. I've been trying to pause and make time because I really do enjoy it.

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