Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, August 26, 2019

What A Lovely Weekend

 I took this photo on Saturday after running an errand.  My favorite kind of sky, temps in the low 70's.  Everyone is ready for autumn, especially since August was very hot and humid.

This weekend included work around the house and property, tidying things up mostly, but it also was the beginning of a fun week for us.  

Friends of ours live about an hour from us and Sarah, and two of the young adults of the family, Grace and Will, had made plans for Saturday evening.  Get some food and see a movie, and since they have attended our church for many years, and drive down nearly every week, the plan was for them to spend the night.

Rachel and Wes had plans for Sunday, to go see a friend of hers from school preach at his church.  Another friend joined them, but since he lived an hour away from us, he came spent part of Saturday with us and stayed the night at Wes' apartment.  They headed out early Sunday morning and when they came home, another friend from school came home with Rachel.  This was a planned visit.  Luisa is a missionary kid.  Born in Peru, her parents work in Bolivia.  Her parents leave today to go back to Bolivia, and she needed somewhere to stay for a week before she heads back to school after Labor Day.  We are happy to have her with us for this coming week!

Side note: our friends Rick and Jane are coming to visit again on their way back down to Florida after their yearly trip to the Northeast in the summers.  Rick and Jane also were missionaries in Bolivia and as God often does, he's worked it out that they will all be here this week!  They can all speak Spanish and talk about Bolivia and all the places that they love!

Speaking of missionaries - We love this beautiful family and were so happy to get to spend about an hour yesterday with the dad.  He was in our area having flown to the states to bring their oldest son Aidan for college.  The rest of the family is in Ireland, where the dad is from and where they live and work.

We sat outside because it was so beautiful out and just as he was leaving, other friends showed up for a spontaneous visit.

Klaire and Kamryn go to church with us and spend the rest of the day with us every week. Klair had just woken up from a nap and was snuggling with her favorite person.

For the week ahead I have a Mom's Meeting tonight for our co-op which starts up again next month, later in the week a meeting for the performing arts academy that Sarah is going to be participating in this year.  I'm doing a devotional tonight at our co-op meeting, so I'd appreciate your prayers that I would have clear thoughts, and share encouragement.

It's a blessing to be involved with people, even though it can be tiring and sometimes problematic.  The sermon at church yesterday was on the fact that God made each of us unique and with a purpose. When we function in the purpose for which he made us, we are fulfilled.  

I see this in my own life, how about you?  

Have a great day, friends!


Kim said...

It definitely sounds like a lovely weekend. I hope you have a lovely week, as well!

Elizabethd said...

What a busy and fulfilling life you lead!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I got to have breakfast at a favorite restaurant with my son and baby Oliver Saturday morning. My daughter-in-law was helping a friend get ready for her wedding and the two "menfolk" had some free time to spend with Mom/Grammie before returning for the wedding. Just being able to grab some time here and there when they are in town is wonderful.

I feel like true Fall is not too far away. :)

Vee said...

Sounds like GCStation at your place, which is just how you like it! Praying that all goes well for your presentation...clear thoughts and focused goals.

Theresa said...

Girl, you are one busy lady! The sky is beautiful, love the blue sky and puffy white clouds:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Lorrie said...

Your weekend sounds full of visiting with lovely people.

Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...