Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, April 28, 2023

Information Friday


We've been having rainy weather off and on this week. In addition to our normal school days, we've helped Nate and Kay move, I've made two runs to the airport, and worked four hours with my florist friend. I made 20 boutonnieres, for two weddings this weekend.

I'm glad to be at the end of the week. We'll do school today and then head out for groceries.

This week has been a busy news week, too. It's been hard to keep up, but I try. Remember when I share things, I don't always know what the truth is, but I have found it interesting enough to share with you. And I'll try to always say "I'm not sure about this."

This made me laugh. 

It's dangerous to cross these people. Think of the Clinton Body Count.

C-in-C is Commander in Chief.

So Iran interfered with our election? I thought there was no election interference.

Pray and seek wisdom about how to protect your money.

I know we all love a good political cartoon.

The New York Times would like us to think we don't really need a President anymore. Doesn't matter if he's not in his right mind...

Protect your kids and your grandkids!

Sorry it's taken me so long to get this posted today! 

Keep praying! 

Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023


 I'm a day late with my weekend post, but it's all good. Tim and I went to breakfast yesterday with his brother and sister in law, who are back in the states for a few months from Africa and the Middle East.

It was good to have time with them and catch up. They had a daughter who lived in Florida for work for the last several years, and she is moving back to our area. She bought a house and one of her sisters is going to live with her. Another daughter lives in the apartment at their family home, and the oldest is a missionary in Burkina Faso. She is married to a Burkinabe man. They'll be here in May and celebrate their second anniversary in June. Emmanuel will have quite a cultural adjustment when he comes. He has just finished up his Bible School courses, and graduates on Saturday.

I've been doing a lot of babysitting.

Nate and Kay are moving, as I mentioned, and the last moving day will be tomorrow! I've had the girls here extra and thank goodness for beautiful days! This little one fell in the creek yesterday! Thankfully she was with her sisters and it is very shallow where they were playing.

Kyle has his senior photo shoot in the late afternoon yesterday.

I can hardly believe my 'baby' is nearly finished with high school. Jackie, our photographer friend, said it was the best guy shoot she has had. She said he was relaxed and comfortable, followed her direction. She took a lot of photos. We'll get about 200 in total. I can't wait to see them.

We are spending our days, looking out for each other. I make food, teach kids, keep the house tidy, be a friend to my parents and Kyle, hang out with Tim. Tim works jobs, manages the property, is helping Nate with the move, Kyle helps me with things, plays with his nieces, mows our property and helps with the mowing at four other properties (three for pay), helps my parents. Wes and Rachel have been away for his sisters wedding this past weekend. I'll be picking them up tomorrow at the airport, then we'll likely all end up at Nate and Kay's to help get them settled.

I hope that in these days of uncertainty, you know the Lord as savior. I hope that you have loved ones, and friends who are like family, to encourage and lift you up. Let me know how I can pray for you. I am daily in prayer for our nation, and family and friends and would feel privileged to pray for you!

Friday, April 21, 2023

Information Friday

 Well, it's been a beautiful week here at our cottage home. Lots of sunshine, and deck sitting. I've been aiming to sit out for at least 15 minutes a day, but so far I've been able to be out for hours! I'm loving it!

Also had the joy of going to tea with my mom and some friends yesterday.

This week news broke daily about the Bid*n Crime family.

You can read the article from the New York Post {here}.

None of the intelligence officers who said that it was Russian Misinformation had any evidence of that. Morell just wanted to help Joe Biden win. 

This is election interference friends! Big Tech wouldn't allow anyone not even the NY Post to share a differing view than Russian Misinformation and they really wouldn't let anyone talk about the laptop at all. This hindered the election.

There is so much more on the Bid*n's. Joe has been running the crime family and Hunter has been the bag man.

I thankful for the information that has come out through the house investigations. Now I want to see some action on the information!

Have a good weekend!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...