Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Planting and Growing


Yesterday I potted a Sarah Bernhardt peony, my one and only dahlia, and Peacock Orchids.

I looked up growing information about my peacock orchids and they said they'll take 65-90 days to bloom! Wow! That means the earliest they'd bloom is June 15th!

The other Sarah Bernhardt peonies will be going in buckets for now. Tim has five trees along the creek that we need to take down, and it is in this section that I want to plant the peonies, and some other plants. 

I'll be able to see them from the new kitchen windows, and my mom will see them from her living room or her bedroom. Hopefully construction is still on track to start in June!

There is a lot going on around here. This month Nate and Kay are moving to a rental house! They've been in a small trailer and everyone is so excited for the move. We are all thankful that the house is about eight minutes from our house. That makes it easy for school. This was an answer to prayer for certain!

Kamryn has been helping Kay dust and sweep and get the house ready to move in!

I hope you are all well. Random cold symptoms remain; for example yesterday I had ear pain. Crazy. 

I'm trying to stay motivated to finish our school days. We have less than 40 days left in our year. 


Donna said...

How exciting for them to make the move! And that 40 days will pass in no time...a month and a half...

Cheryl said...

Spring is springing for sure! There are some pretty blooms in our yard right now. The azaleas are looking lovely and I see a few lilac blooms. I just took my dad for a short walk outside so that he could see some color and I showed him our neighbor's large cherry tree that is in full bloom . . . so lovely!

That is wonderful that Nate and Kay have found a place to rent that is near you! The floors are beautiful! I hope it's a happy place for them!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...