Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, April 14, 2023

Information Friday


I have a lovely red quince growing on our property. I planted it several years ago, and it has grown a bit every year. I'll try to get a good photo of it soon as it is in bloom.

There is so much going on in the world, and I'm praying still and "standing in the gap," are you?

For several years I've been researching about child trafficking. I had a lot of time on my hands in 2020, and this subject came up quite a few times. 

This is going to be a hard pill to take friends.

According to Safe At Last, 8 million children go missing in the world yearly and that of that number, 800,000 go missing from the US. I never realized that the number was so vast. Where do all these children end up? I mean, I realize many are killed after being abused, but many children are found years later. 

Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped in 1991 at age 11. She was found 18 years later, still being held captive by the couple that kidnapped her. You can read more about her story {here}. 

We've all heard about Jeffrey Epstein and his island Little Saint James. His partner Ghislaine Maxwell was convicted of sex abuse and trafficking. But one glaring things is missing. 

Who are the people who paid for s*x with children? Why no trials for them?

You want to know why? It's because so many of the people who would be leading these investigations are compromised themselves.

I can't get the video to post, but basically Cindy McCain says, "We all knew what was happening with Jeffrey Epstein. There just wasn't any agency brave enough to do it. I don't know why. Then all the sudden someone did." 

I thought at first his voice saying "suck my tongue" was a voice over, but his people put out a statement pretty quickly saying he was "just kidding." There are those who are trying to say that phrase means something different in Tibet, but the "sticking your tongue out" is different than what DL was wanting the boy to do.

Also, if that were true that we just don't understand, why didn't the DL's statement just say that?

We've known for years about Haiti being a place where children go missing, but did you know that Ukraine is a big trafficking hub as well? 

This story is long but it should disturb you and perhaps help you understand why the 'powers that be' don't want to lose Ukraine.

You can read the article {here}.

Now I must run. I'm looking forward to a quiet weekend at home, but you never know. 

Stand Fast, and Stand in the Gap!


Vee said...

Beyond disturbing. Standing in the gap when I am quivering beneath my covers will be a challenge. 😵‍💫

Theresa said...

Disturbing times we are living in. Makes me sick and requires extra prayers. Enjoy your day dear friend. Hugs

Linda said...

What Vee said above...and as for Cindy McCain, she is part of the problem. Yikes, you opened a can of worms. smiles

Home Keeping

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