FOR TODAY January 19, 2009
Outside my window...
The snow is falling in beautiful soft flakes!
Outside my window...
The snow is falling in beautiful soft flakes!
I am thinking...
How happy I am to be a homekeeper.
How happy I am to be a homekeeper.
I am thankful for...
The privilege to home educate my children!
From the learning rooms...
I am learning to rethink how I educate my children.
From the kitchen...
I am going to be baking something this afternoon, don't know what yet though!
I am wearing...
A pink floral dress, my Skechers, and small silver ball earrings.
I am creating...
I finished a knit baby hat last evening and am starting a new one!
I am going...
To a meeting for our co-op this evening. We are planning classes for next year.
I am reading...
My Bible, and I am still reading Persuasion by Jane Austen.
I am hoping...
For a year of walking closely with the Lord.
I am hearing...
Charlie and Lola on the T.V.
Around the house...
We are thinking of switching some of the bedrooms around.
One of my favorite things...
Sharing work with my daughters.
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Co-op on Thursday
Hi Mrs Rabe the book that i am reading at the minute is The Pursuit of God by A.W. Tozer.
I'd love to have some snow fall (only for a day or two :-)!
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