Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, July 21, 2007

My 100th Post and Sarah Jessica Parker

I realized back when Miss Paula was here that I had posted my 100th post. It barely made a blip on my radar at the time.

100 posts. Wow. What have I said? I hope I have been encouraging and fun, that you have found this blog a place of hospitality.

Today we went to a Steve and Barry's store. They carry a line of women's sportswear, that is very moderately priced, designed by Sarah Jessica Parker. Now you may think what I thought at first "I don't really want to see what she has designed", given her series on t.v. Miss Paula had found this store and clothing line and had good things to say about it, so we checked it out.

I must say that I was pleasantly surprised. Sarah Jessica Parker states that "a sweater shouldn't cost more than your groceries"! Amen to that! We found several cute things. First I have to say that we are pretty modest around this cottage. That being said, we purchased a cute striped t-shirt that was $7.98 and a lovely blue feminine short sleeved blouse that was $9.98! It has lovely styling along the hem that is very attractive, and small rows of ruffles, it looks great on my very non-ruffly daughter, Lindsay. I do have to say that we found that either the sizing runs SMALL or that it is meant to be very tight, we just tried things on and purchased a size up!

While at Steve and Barry's we also bought a tan cord blazer and a tan cord jean jacket style jacket for my teen girls that were $14.95 each! Where has this store been hiding? We bought 2 white blouses for $20.00 and a brown tiered skirt that was 50% off - we paid $3.99 cents for it!

We ate at my favorite fast food place, Chick-fil-A! Yum!

It was a great day!


Anonymous said...

Did you find a Steve and Barry's closer?? Come to find out we have one in Buena Park. I will take Katie there for School Shopping!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We found one in Allentown, it is closer than Scranton!

Lindsay wore her blouse today and it is so cute!

Home Keeping

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