Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A New School Year

I am realizing just how soon school will start for us here at the cottage. We always start in the beginning of August so that we can take a week at Thanksgiving (my husband likes to take that week as a vacation week), and two weeks at Christmas, as we have a lot of family celebrating that happens those two weeks, with 2 birthdays and an anniversary.

We finished our school year April 30th, about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. This was because we didn't take as much time off during the school year. So we have had all of May and June off and will have all of July as well.

I am getting excited about starting. I will have a 10th grader, 8th grader, 3rd grader and Kindergartener this year! Such fun. We will be learning botany this year, world history, literature, math of course, art, music. It will be fun to see the light of understanding go on in the little ones, and the enjoyment of mastering subjects in my older ones! I feel so blessed to be able to educate my children at home.

We'll keep you posted about all we learn.


Anonymous said...

Already? That is early! But you get out early so you get your fun time in.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I like having flexibility during the year, and also I like to be done with the current year before we go to our state convention and make our purchases for next year!

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