Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 7, 2008

Busy, Busy, Fun, Fun

It seems like lately all we have been busy.....having fun! This past week we went bowling, the girls had orientation for work, they gave a surprise party for a friend of theirs, they did another training session for work, they helped set up the fire hall for Grandpa for the breakfast, then it was the 4th of July!
Our great friends Rick and Jane arrived for a visit - we have been friends for 19 years. The kind of friends that no matter how infrequently you see each other, you can pick right back up and continue on sharing your lives. We met them in missions training and they served in Bolivia, with Rick flying the mission plane there.

We had other friends and family with us that day as well, our niece Carrie and her Grandparents Dave and Carol,

Carol and Dave have been married about 10 years. She was a single missionary for 42 years in Nigeria. Dave and family were in Nigeria when their girls were growing up and then he served in Liberia as well.

My mom and dad were with us for the day as well!

We ate burgers, macaroni salad, watermelon and cantalope, chips.....

It rained alot! We finally had a break in the rain in the evening and went outside and had fun with about 45 fountain fireworks! Some of us sat under umbrellas to avoid the sprinkles of rain, but the kids, my dad and Tim didn't seem to mind it! We also had our Hospitality Lane friends there, except Becky who has been dealing with a summer cold!

Saturday, we went to the Kinzer Fire Co. for their fundraising breakfast, the girls worked their first day, and Jane, Rachel and I went shopping and to get Jane her dose of the Amish.

Later the adults went out to dinner and to see "In The Beginning" at Sight and Sound. A good friend of ours, was able to get us tickets at half-price. Don't we have great friends?

We had a wonderful time - Our friends left yesterday and we spent sometime resting.

We are so thankful for these opportunities for fellowship and friendship for both us and our children!


Becky K. said...

My family enjoyed themselves soooo much!

Thanks for including them in the fun.

Becky K.

~~Deby said...

Wow..those kinds of friends are just the best kind....
Looks like you had some great fun and fellowship....

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun day was had by all! Thanks for sharing the pictures!
Ruth, PA

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