Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, July 28, 2008

This and That

Today will be a this and that post.

Lindsay has been fulfilling a lifelong dream to have horses, ride and teach riding lessons. Recently, she has acquired two riding students, a grandmother and granddaughter duo. They are doing very well, and they say that Lindsay is a great instructor, very patient.

I took some sepia tone and black and white photos while riding lessons were happening today.

Mrs. Sutley riding Sandi.

Lindsay watching her student ride and her side-kick Rachel. Also known as "mini-Linny."

Emily watches the action.

With Rachel being sick this past week, I neglected to post about my parents 49th wedding anniversary on Friday.

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!

We are planning a big reception for their 50th next year!

And last but not least, I leave you with a picture of Rachel, taken today.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Looks like Rachel is on the mend!!!

She better get ready to give Cousin Evan a big hug!! He needs a big hug!!

Alicia @ said...

Such sweet pics, I love the sepia tone ones!!

Happy Anniversary Phyllis and Bob!!! That is so honorable, 49 years, WOW!!! Following Gods plan of marriage!!

sherry said...

I'm thankful Rachel is feeling a bit better. That's so hard.

Congrats to your parents! 49 years. Beautiful blessing.

Becky K. said...

Happy Anniversary to two wonderful friends!

Becky K.

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