Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Update on Rachel

She is feeling much better today, is more active and not just laying around like she has all week!

The doc found that she has quite the bladder infection, which surprised him and me, as she was not symptomatic for that. So antiboitics for 10 days. She wasn't even in the pharmacy computer, and we have lived here for 7 years and used the same pharmacy chain since before she was born. That is how healthy she normally is!

We are going to do a culture for blood in her stool. He wants to rule that out. He heard lots of "activity" in her intestines and wants to look for any irritation.

I am hopeful that the bladder infection is it, she has been feeling so much better today!

Praise the Lord!


Tracy said...

I'm glad to hear that she is feeling better. I pray for a quick and COMPLETE recovery !

Gone said...

I'm glad that she's feeling better! We've prayed for her!


Anonymous said...

I would have the same problem. With the exception of going to the bathroom all the time.
When you giver her a bath don't use soap, just baking soda or vinegar. You might want to do this once a week or so. W/the summer being hot and all. Our parts are just made for this stuff to grow in. I had to do that w/dd2.

Melissa G said...

I'm so glad to hear that Rachel is feeling better.

Alicia @ said...

Wow...poor girl! I am glad she is starting to feel better!!

Anonymous said...

AMEN!!! and Praise the Lord for His goodness!!! Thank you for keeping us updated on your dear daughter! Hope you have a better week.

Ruth, PA

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We are praising the Lord - she is simply back to her normal self!

Thank you all for your prayers! We dearly appreciate you all.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We are praising the Lord - she is simply back to her normal self!

Thank you all for your prayers! We dearly appreciate you all.

Kelly @ The Barefoot Mama said...

I am so glad to hear that she is feeling better, Mrs. Rabe! It's the worst when our children are sick! Praying for a speedy recovery for your girl.

FrenchGardenHouse said...

It's such a relief she is feeling better!

Home Keeping

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