Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy Birthday Sarah!

Today, is the birthday of one of the dearest daughters in the world.

She loves a good costume.
She can be very silly.

She is six today, and more precious than ever!


Alicia @ said...

Awww...Happy Birthday Sarah!!! I hope you have a fun day celebrating!!! Six years old....what a fun age!! She has such a cute smile!

Melissa G said...

Happy Birthday sweet Sarah! I'm so glad we got to see you yesterday! Have a special day!

Crystal’s Health Corner said...


How do you plan to celebrate? Hope to see before you are all grown up!! That was a very cute picture of you with Kyle & Elijah at the airport

Anonymous said...

Miss Sarah where are your teeth???

I cannot believe the ibooprofin girl is 6!!! I will just have to see for myself soon!! How's that?

evan mcelrath said...

Happy Birthday! See you in a few weeks.

Becky K. said...

Hey, my little friend Sarah!
Happy Birthday to You!!!!!!!

Mrs. K.

Kathleen Grace said...

What a beautiful and precious little girl! I hope her birthday was a happy one. You are blessed:>)

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