Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Worshipping God Without Rivals

We had the priviledge to hear Voddie Baucham last night. He spoke about Family Driven Faith.

He was excellent as always, challenging, encouraging, funny. I love his "I double dog dare you" statements!

He challenged us to take a look at Love and to see how much we have incorporated the Greco-Roman ideas of love into how we view love.

We think and believe "You can't help who you fall in love with." Wrong. "The heart wants what it wants." Wrong. The heart is simply a muscle beating in our body. It is what we refer to as the seat of the emotions, but it is really our minds that decide.

Here from my notes is what he said.

Love = 1. An act of the will (choice), I choose to love.
2. It is accompanied by emotion, but not lead by it.
3. It leads to action on behalf of it's object.

This is what Jesus did for us on the cross - He showed His love for us by Choosing to go to the cross, regardless of of the cost. He was filled with emotion - "Not my will, but thine", "father forgive them, for they know not what they do." It lead to action (Crucifixion) on behalf of it's object (His Bride).

That's real love -

The other thing that spoke to me was his statement about being people who "Worship God Without Rivals." What are the rivals for my attention? Television, computer, reading, etc...

I am going to be pondering and praying about this one for along time....


Anonymous said...

The ending goes along with Evan's video on Noise! We showed this in our Marriage class on Sunday and had good discussion on what really steals our being silent with God!

Becky K. said...

This evening was so worthwhile. It was also very convicting!

I would encourage others to take any opportunity to hear what Voddie has to say. Either by way of YouTube or in person if you get the chance.

He is the author of a few books, as well.

Very challenging!

Becky K.

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