At the Delaware River
Love and trust between Lindsay and her baby brother...
Evan and Sarah today before "cousins" left - He is an adored person in our household.
Heartstrings were also tied between loving friends - Becky and I surprised Paula with some artwork from one of her favorite artists, Alice in Paris.
Last night, Becky, Paula and I went for one last hurrah at Cracker Barrel. We talked, laughed, shared our hearts and took pictures of each other taking pictures!
I am so thankful for my dear friends!
The family left today, it is hard for them and us! Pray for their safe trip home and for an easy transition back into life at home! Check out Miss Paula's blog, to see what her husband, my brother has been up to while they were here visiting!
We miss you all already!
Love all the pics! The guys are both over there now working hard before their arrival!
Thanks for letting me intrude into your family reunion. I loved every minute we shared.
Your picture of Kyle and Lindsay is my favorite.
Becky K.
What? Miss Becky??? You mean you didn't like MY picture the best???
Okay I didn't have tears until I read this. Leaving is hard but I know I have my great family here at home.
Robert and Ryan did a great job. the pictures don't really show how nice it is. I will Flip around with my camera. They cleaned up so well that you wouldn't believe the nice home I came home to!!
I had such fun and my heart will tug for a while!!
Thanks for all the Hospitality!!
Love to all, Auntie Paula, Miss Paula or whatever NICE thing you want to call me!!
Hello Mrs. Rabe,
About my pitas, come back to my post today.
In the sentence, I made a double batch of pitas on Monday, click on the word pitas. It'll take you to my recipe at my cooking blog!
we miss you boo hoo
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