Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Friday Update

I had fun photos to show you from last night...however I keep getting a "USB Error" message when I try to download my photos. I will keep at it and try to post them.

We had a lot of fun at our church's Christmas party. Good fellowship, good food, good fun. Gifts from the dollar store for a fun game! One of the prized gifts was a cute box of tissues! Oh and a neat "nutcracker" that Mr. Hospitality Lane was wanting to get rid of! I got it, but his family kept taking it back from me! hmpf!

Rachel and Tim stayed home. They piled into our bed and rested and watched movies. Poor Tim - his cheek is so swollen! The doctor is not sure if Rachel has a bladder infection or not...sent it to be cultured. She is feeling better today, last night she threw up and when I got word at the Christmas party that she was wanting me, everyone at the party (including me) went into panic mode "not a stomach bug, please Lord!" Every thing seems all clear in that aspect, she is good and no one else got sick...Thanks Lord for your mercies!

Tim is working today and the rest of us are all home snug as bugs in a rug....I plan to knit and sew today. Of course the Lord may have other plans....I am learning to go with the flow...something you would think I would have learned by now!

Have a wonderful Saturday!


Becky K. said...

What is the next step for Tim? I do hope antibiotics help!

Makes me think of my years as an endodontic assistant and the abscesses we saw. They look worse than they really are...but they do need treatment!

The stories I could tell....but I won't!

Marilyn in NM said...

I hope Tim and Rachel are both feeling better. I've had an ugly Winter cold and still fighting a stopped up head! But I do hope you get to your knitting. It's what keeps me sane!
By the way, what a beautiful family you have. I didn't comment on the post with your family pictures, but I just wanted you to know that you do have great looking kids!
Marilyn in NM

Alicia @ said...

You have so much Auntie Dee!! I pray Tim will feel better soon, tooth pain is one of the worsts! Glad the flu bug didnt get through to you all!!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...