Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tea Time

Today a very good friend is coming for tea, with her little son. Hopefully, Kyle will show his good manners and play very nicely with Bradley.

We will be having scones, of course, and Mock Devonshire Cream, Lemon Curd, and Strawberry Jam.

I will brew a fresh pot of PG Tips and we will be all set for a nice long chat.

This Friday, Lindsay, Emily and I will be attending a tea at my Mom's church. This was the church we attended for years and I always was a planner of the teas there. I am so excited to go and participate and see what they planned for this year!

On the 15th of this month our church, Sonrise Christian Fellowship, is having it's first Ladies Christmas tea. I am pleased that all of my girls are welcome to attend.

I hope you have a wonderful day, full of blessing. Remember to look for blessing in even the small things. Last night the girls were watching "The Nativity Story." We paused to do our Advent calendar and then we pulled a couple of mattresses out into the livingroom and piled on to them with lots of warm blankets, the two older girls chose the couches and brought their pillows and blankets out and we had a girlie campout in the livingroom. It was fun and simple - a memory maker for us all. It was sweet to have all the lights out except for the Christmas tree and snuggle up together.

Stay warm, it's cold outside today, but we have sunshine and blue sky!


Melanie said...

Good morning! Thank you for visiting my Day Book. I love teas too and the one at your church sounds so nice. Have a lovely day!

Alicia @ said...

I love getting all cozy by the tree!! Thats the best!

~~Deby said...

It sounds wonderful...your blog looks so Christmasy..beautiful.

Unknown said...

I loved reading this! I know your girls will remember it always!

I also love your reindeer wallpaper! neat!

The Vintage Rose said...

Thanks for sharing this lovely family memory and about your Tea. I'm glad I stopped by after seeing your name on Melanie's blog. I think we have things in common. You are welcome to visit me too at The Vintage Rose. I'm in Australia and new to blogging. I'm doing a give-away of an Australian China snack set with a yellow rose.

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