Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 1, 2008

A Sunday Full Of Fellowship

This week after church was a fellowship meal. These are always delicious and full of delightful discussions, visiting, kids playing and even a Veggie Song Sing Along once! It is always a great way to get to know others better, in an informal setting!

When this was over, we headed home to prepare for a visit from our good friends.

We met these dear friends when the girls took riding lessons at the barn they used to run. In the last three years we have developed a deep, fun relationship with their family. Tim and Don did a whole day of firewood last Friday, the kids enjoy each other. Their twins boys think Lindsay is the greatest thing since sliced bread. They love that she does outdoor stuff with them! Jen and I could talk homeschool and raising kids for hours! When we get together the hours fly by as we talk doctrine, theology, politics, books, movies!

We normally get together once a month, but hadn't done so for several months due to an injury, recovery, farming, Tim's work schedule! But yesterday, we got together and it was 6, or was that 7 hours of fellowship!

Here are some pictures....

Lots of coffee, mulled cider, pizza and popcorn.

Emily and I did a lot of knitting yesterday - I finished Lindsay's shawl!

Two different sets of sisters enjoyed Nancy Drew and horse games on the computer.

Lots of great discussions took place....

and a chess game...

I found Kyle crashed on my bed in my darkened bedroom, sound asleep, he didn't even stir when I snapped the photo with the flash!

We are so thankful that the Lord gives us friends to encourage and to be encouraged by and to walk with along the Way!


Becky K. said...

Mentoring, sharing, is good!

The pictures are great. Kyle must have worn himself out running the vacuum at the church. He was so cute!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Kyle must have been tuckered out! Sounds like a fun time!


Marilyn in NM said...

Friends are such a blessing and it's wonderful to make memories with them.
Little Kyle looks like I felt Sunday evening after "being" guests at my mother-in-laws little home. It's just wonderful to have friends and family.
I want to see your knitting, by the way! Is that one of the knitting looms or whatever they're called? I've seen them but never used one. Looks fun.
Marilyn in NM

Tracy said...

Jason said you can have the deer skin. I'll see Kelly this Thurs. so I can give it to her then. One of these days we'll have to meet in real life.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


Tell Jason thank you for us! Lindsay will be thrilled! We definately need to meet - did Kelly invite you to our tea at church?

Emily is using a loom in the photo. She prefers those for making hats! I have just finished Lindsay's shawl, done on circular needles, I will post a photo soon!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...