Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sorrow In The Midst Of Joy

I am so thankful for the hope that is in Christ Jesus.

This time of year can be so difficult for those who have lost loved ones, it is especially hard when the anniversary of the loss is in December or near it.

I know Tim's dear Aunt and Uncle are missing their son....

I know my dear friend Becky is missing her Daddy.

I know that the Skees are missing sweet Ellie.

I know that my family is missing their beloved "Papa Gene".

Papa Gene is Miss Paula's Daddy - her kids "Papa". He was my pastor for practically my whole life until I went to Bible College. He was such a wonderful example of a pastor - he loved his "flock"; in fact he started the church from a Bible study and pastored it for over 50 years. He sang in the choir, where he sometimes got in trouble for goofing off - He would play a "pope" like character every year in the Lack of Talent show...he didn't like being on a pedestal at all - he just liked being called Gene, he even moved the pulpit down from the stage area to the floor, because he was just one of us.
I know that he is having a ball in heaven with all those who have gone before us...

My nephew Evan, who is visiting us for Christmas has posted a beautiful video he did of his Papa Gene - if you would like to watch it you can see it here.

Tim, myself and the kids went to a memorial service today for an old friend. The pastor's wife from the first church we attended here in PA. Her family is missing her, too....

If you think about it in the midst of the fun of this season, will you remember to pray for those you know who are grieving a loss?

It makes this time of year, more dear and special....


Pam Mattick Art and Stuff said...

Thank you for the insight into Paula's dad. Sounds like a wonderful man. What Bible collage did you attend?
Thanks for the reminder to pray...

Becky K. said...


~~Deby said...

I so agree...this has been a year of loss for many....some a year of major changes, or those who are by themselves....or maybe have lost jobs or their homes.I too feel the burden for those and posted similarily.....I will join you dear blog friend for those... and our blog readers that just need encouragement...and our prayers.

Melissa said...

Such a good reminder. It looks as if we've been thinking along the same lines! It was neat to read of Papa Gene--an encouragement to live and die faithfully. Thank you for this link. And for your encouragements in my comment section. I've enjoyed a nice browse here, just now. What a lovely family you have.

In Christ,

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...