Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, January 16, 2009

Do You See My Weather Widget?

Right now it says 8 degrees - that is without wind chill.  It doesn't seem to be windy outside, which is good, however our high today is only going to be 16!  Wow!  We are not used to such extreme temperatures!

We had our co-op yesterday.  It went really well.  The only issue being one that has been an undercurrent for several years.  We are going to have to deal with it seriously, and it may not be pleasant.  Pray for us for wisdom, mercy and grace.  Only God can bring about a good resolution. 

Today we plan to stay inside!  My husband and I went to dinner the other night, using a gift card from our nephew Evan (Thanks Evan!) and then did grocery shopping.  I picked up a few things from Costco after co-op yesterday, so I don't have to be out in this crazy weather.  We will be doing school, reading blogs, waiting to see pictures of our brand new great-nephew Ethan.  We will knit, read, and maybe rearrange some furniture.

I love these kinds of days.  I like to be able to spend time with my kids, and also to focus on my home.

What will you be doing today?


Donna said...

It's c-c-c-c-old here too! 6 degrees at the moment. We'll be staying indoors most of the day, I suspect! LOL. Congratulations on yur new grand-nephew!

Becky K. said...

I had to go outside to get something and it was very cold and windy here. It is always windy here!

We are going to get as much school in before Mikey leaves and then Jonathan, Chelsea and I will work in the kitchen this afternoon on their food science goals.


Nicole said...

That sounds great! I will be praying for the wisdom and strength for you to deal with issues at the co-op. Sometimes there seems to be no easy way to deal with things.

Have a great day staying warm in your home!

Pam Mattick Art and Stuff said...

Love the dresses you made a few posts down. I've never been to a Costco, but they have one in Madison-4 hours at least away. Is it worth it for the membership-or is it like Sams.
Hugs & Stay Warm,

Kelly said...

I wish I could stay inside today. I don't like this cold weather. Unfortunately, I have to take Anthony to his co-op classes this afternoon and then Nicholas has a basketball game this evening. I will definitely be bundled up!

Karen said...

Unfortunately, we have to go out for piano lessons. We haven't made it to 0 yet, and the windchill is in the -20s. I hate cold weather!

Praying God will give you the wisdom and grace needed to deal with the co-op issue. That is so hard! Hugs!

Congrats on the latest addition to your family. Glad it went well for them.

Anonymous said...

So, um, it is going to be 80 today. It has been this way for that last few days. I have on flip flops and capri's! I could send the weather your way!!

Lisa's Blessed A Latte said... cold!!! We've had cold here but nothing like that. Stay warm!!!


Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...