Outside my window...
The sun is shining again! Hurray!
I am thinking...
I don't know what to make for dinner tonight...Probably something with chicken.
I am thankful for...
Encouragement from God's word...
From the kitchen...
A pot of PG Tips and a few Lorna Doones
I am wearing...
A white long sleeved T and a Land's End skirt (stone colored)
I am creating...
A new knit scarf, this time for myself!
I am going...
We start back to our homeschool co-op this week. Lots to prepare for!
I am reading...
Jane Austen's Persuasion...
I am hoping...
For time to get together on a regular basis with my niece, who lives nearby.
I am hearing...
My kids playing together, with Kyle's blocks!
Around the house...
I still have my garlands and lights up, so cheery in the winter gloom.
One of my favorite things...
Is my friendship with my children...
A few plans for the rest of the week:
Mostly I am focused on co-op on Thursday. It will be quite cold later this week, and I usually do my grocery shopping on Fridays but it is going to be frigid on Friday so I am thinking through the possibilities.
I am glad you are making something for yourself...show us pics when you are done!! ♥
...oh....sunshine, I could sure use some of that here in the Pacific North-WET !!!!
I keep mini lights and still my poinsettia lights on my indoor Ficus year round...sure makes things cheerful and I have bought some of those candles that take batteries...they last forever...and give that glow...especially in these short days in the winter.
I was so happy to read this. I always learn more about my bloggity friends who participate in the Simple Woman's Day Book. I've never participated myself yet.
Enjoy your lights! Its raining here in "sunny" Florida today and I feel so "wintery"!! It's kind of a nice change for me, but I don't think I'd handle overcast skies for the entire winter.
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