Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 26, 2009

Simple Woman's Daybook

FOR TODAY - January 26, 2009

Outside my window...
We had flurries flying!

I am thinking...
About letting my daughter graduate early - she has almost all the credits she needs, and with a bit of work, she could be ready.

I am thankful for...
The steadfastness of the Lord - He never changes, and He is always at work on our behalf.

From the learning rooms...
I am working on violin lessons for Lindsay and possible Sarah.  We are working on a Piano for Quitters dvd program that Emily is enjoying.  It teaches you to play piano using chords.

From the kitchen...
I am planning a Chicken and Pasta dish.  I also want to try a new recipe for Chocolate Chip Cookies. My husband will be so happy!

I am wearing...
A royal blue shirt with a collar and 3/4 length sleeves, and gray pants.  I will be adding silver ball earrings, and my Skechers.

I am creating...
A blue shawl for myself.  I finished knitting the baby hats.

I am going...
To a planning meeting for our co-op tonight.  It was cancelled last week due to snow.  This meeting is for planning out classes for our students for next year.

I am reading...
My Bible, and I really haven't touched Persuasion for a week.  I am re-reading Emma by Jane Austen weekly, several chapters at a time for my literature class at co-op.

I am hoping...
To be able to get to both nieces weddings this year!

I am hearing...
My children as they go about their morning routines.

Around the house...
I made more glow pots last night!  I am also finding places for books that no longer have a home, due to rearranging bedrooms for the girls.

One of my favorite things...
The weekly date night with my husband!  We used to go on Fridays, but now go on Wednesdays!

A few plans for the rest of the week:
I will be continuing my painting of all the trim in the house.  It is in need of it!  I did the girls room last week and it looks wonderful!  (the doors are also getting a fresh coat of paint!)

Here is picture thought I am sharing...

Looking forward to a cup of tea!


Marilyn in NM said...

Oh, I really want to see the little hats you knitted!
Marilyn in NM

Unknown said...

I loved reading this! My mom has that teapot! She collects!!!
Your blog is very pretty and welcoming!

Alicia @ said...

I LOVE those glow pots you elegant looking!

Thank you for your sweet words on my blog today...♥

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