Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, January 3, 2009


Thank you all for your sweet comments and congratulations.  The Lord has graciously lead us along and helped us through these last 21 years.  I am so thankful for my husband.  He is a servant to all of us.  He works hard, is loving, he is my best friend.  Oh and he does laundry!  We are very different in temperament and personality, but God has helped us to see the differences as benefits to us as a couple - as Tim likes to say "if we were exactly the same, one of us wouldn't be needed!"

Tim and I had a great day out together - We went down to Havre de Grace in Maryland and had lunch and poked through a few antique stores.  I found a great silver plated ladle for my punch bowl (much nicer than plastic!) and we found a large Old Country Roses teacup!  I will try to post photos later....

We then drove to Kennett Square, Pennsylvania and spent a couple of hours at Longwood Gardens.  We had a chance to see their beautiful lights and decorations in the Conservatories!

We finished off the evening with a shared appetizer and dessert out and then headed home.  

We are back to reality now - Tim works two 12 hour days this weekend!


~~Deby said...

Sounds like a wonderful *DATE* together and great memories...I am happy for you...and woohoooo for your FINDS.

Karen said...

Looking forward to the photos from your lovely day. How nice you could carve out some special couple time.

Two 12s sounds like hitting reality with a thud! Ugh!

Tracy said...

I'm glad you had such a great time together. A little alone time is always wonderful for our marriage!

Ronda said...

Isn't it wonderful when we get to share our time together with our hubby and have such a lovely and simple time just loving and enjoying.
Love & Prayers,

Alicia @ said...

Sounds like a nice relaxing day for just the two of you! Glad you found some goodies too!!

Nicole said...

Sounds like you had a great date! It is always a blessing to see a couple in God. I am so happy for you!

Kevin said...

Dear Deanna and Tim: You are blessed, indeed. We once sang for a 50th anniversary. The couple was as different as a buffalo and a butterfly (can you guess which was whom?)! The children of the two made a speech to the dad, saying how proud they were of him for staying married so long, and presented him with a trophy, about 10" high. It was very touching and sweet. Then they had thier mom come forward, went through the same speech with her, and gave her an enormous 2 foot high trophy!!! We will never forget that laughter-filled moment!!! What's really fun is when both parties attempt to out-do one another in love and good deeds. That's a sterling marriage. Sounds like you two will both have giant trophies! Love, Jeanette and Kevin

Abounding Treasures said...

Sounds like you both enjoyed a wonderful time together!

Donna said...

What a great time spent together! Oh, I LOVE Longwood Garden! We were there almost 8 years ago now (yikes, where has the time gone) and it was spectacular. Wished I lived closer to such beauty!

Information Friday

  What a week it's been! Have a great weekend, everyone!