Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Bit Of Spring In My Kitchen

My Lilacs are beginning to open!  Such a heavenly scent.....


sherry said...

Lilacs. Can't grow those gorgeous things where I live but as a kid in Northern Illinois they lined our back fence on the right side of the alley. Oh dear the aroma and beauty. Enjoy your lilacs in my honor.. ;o)


Ronda said...

Good Morning my sweet friend,

I just LOVE Lilacs! They are my favorite flower "after" Roses.
Enjoy the lovely aroma of Our Sweet Lords handiwork.
Have a fabulous day.
Hope your hubby is still recovering well from his surgery. He is still in our prayers.

Love & Prayers,

~~Deby said...

yes....they are a heavenly scent..and so pretty to behold...beautiful...I just couldn't resist either..

Tracy said...

These lilacs are one of my favorite flowers! Just beautiful.

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