Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

One Of The Things I Do

is run a homeschool co-op.  Our group runs between 55-60 families.  That means a lot of kids from nursery age through high school!

We also offer once a month Mom's Meetings.  Last night we had one, for signing up for membership and to talk about our state law and how to keep track of your students' work for high school credits...

It was a really good time, with many questions answered and I think the Moms' were encouraged to know they can homeschool their students through high school.

This is often the time when homeschool parents get panicky and put their students into school somewhere, certain that if they continue to homeschool, they will somehow leave "holes" in their kids' education.

I say this is the time to stick with it and to enjoy it!  There is so much educational material out there, college classes that can be taken, apprenticeships, etc...

It is also prime discipleship time! For Tim and I,  a big portion of the reason to homeschool is the opportunity to build relationships with our children and help to guide them through adolescence to adulthood.  Most of the time, I have found that our kids are very mature for their ages and don't have a lot of the "peer" issues or attitudes of those who go to school.  They are a delight to have around!

For me it is the easiest time to homeschool...they work independently, they are helpful here at home, they are my friends!  It is great to see them walking with the Lord, and to see them growing!

So last night was a time for me to encourage Moms, which is a delight to me. I think the Moms who attended left feeling like they can do it!

Which is also a delight to me!


Becky K. said...

It was good. You could just see the relief in some of the ladies.


Homeschooling is a priviledge that I pray continues to be ours.

You are right about the opportunities we have one on one in discipleship and training.

Have a great day the eye docs.

Ruth said...

Sounds like a wonderful thing that you do running this group.

Karen said...

On a regular basis, I wish we lived closer. I would love to join your group.

I've felt the high school anxiety this year as Julianne will enter 9th grade this fall.

I'm feeling more at peace about it as a result of some "God sightings" that have helped me tremendously. I still wish we lived closer, though.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


The commute would be killer for you, but I just know you would love our group! I wish you were closer too!

I would be happy to help in any way if you have questions regarding high school or just need encouragement. Know that you can do it and so can she! It is a precious time to have them home! You can't ever get these years back...

Melissa G said...

You're a busy lady!

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