Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, April 13, 2009

This and That

I trust you had a wonderful Easter!  Ours was very good...

We started the day early for our family, arrived at a local pond for a "sunrise" service.  A chill wind was blowing, my feet were freezing but it was fun to have a few readings, prayer and a song....

Then we quickly got into our cars and flew over to the church were we had a wonderful breakfast buffet!  It was enjoyable to have breakfast with our church family - usually it is lunch every other week!

During Sunday School we looked at maps of where all the events of Easter took place...and had discussion.  Church was good - with a good message from our assistant pastor.

Home to a nice lunch with my parents and oldest egg hunt (photos later)...a rousing game of Rook (we'll get them next time Mom!).  I called Miss Paula to wish her a happy Easter, cleaned up, and then we watched a movie called "Resurrection" based on a short story by Max Lucado.  Then bed, for everyone!

Today,  Tim, Nate and some friends from church will be demolishing our red shed which was on our property when we purchased it.  It is over 20 years old, and I think the only thing holding it up is the roof trusses.  Once those are down (Tim is hoping to salvage them) I think the whole thing will simply collapse!  I will try to get photos or have Emily do it!

What are you up to today?


~~Deby said...

Ours was in the morning..then a 45 minute drive to be with tons of family for dinner...we came home and my husband put a coat of texture on our living room walls in our *new to us* house.....
Not a typical Resurrection Sunday but it worked for us..
WEIGHT Watchers (yuck)
get estimates to have carpet laid...(totally excited about that)

sherry said...

What a nice and meaningful day you've described, MrsRabe. I'm thankful your Resurrection Day is memorable. :o)

Tell your husband to be careful in demolishing that structure. Goodness, he just had hip surgery! Yikes.

My Monday will include spending time with my daughter who I picked up at the airport last night at zero-dark-thirty. Happy Dance. She's home but had a wonderful time in SD. I'll share about it soon on my private blog.

Bless you dearly,

sherry said...

Forgot to share...

Our Resurrection Day was gloriously quiet - just Rocky and I. After church, which was packed and the message deep and clear, we came home and changed into 'house clothes' then went in our backyard and read for an hour or more. Rocky grilled chicken and I made a couple dishes to go along. Simple. Wonderful. :o)


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

My dear jAne - I do believe you must be related to my dad! He uses that term "zero dark thirty" alot! So glad Lizzie is home and happy!

Blessings to you all.

Anonymous said...

The Horse Shed???? LOL LOL LOL

Anonymous said...

What is the name of the blog you told me about with the daughter that was recently wed? I cannot remember!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Miss Paula - I emailed you the links!!!! Love you!

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