Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Scenes From A Family Trip

It was a quick trip, planned unexpectedly.  We left after Sunday School, and headed West.

The sky was so blue and the clouds so puffy - my favorite kind of sky....

In our early years of marriage, we were in training to serve as missionaries, and then we served with a mission board, so we did a lot of traveling....we still love it!  I love road trips with my husband and with the kids!  

This trip requires that you drive through four tunnels that go right through the mountains!  The kids love this and have contests to see who can hold their breath the longest...their Dad, the driver, loves to join in....I always tell him "the driver is not allowed to pass out!" hee hee.

These giant windturbines take advantage of the mountain winds....the propellers on these are each about the length of a football can see them from far away!

What a happy boy....after checking into our hotel, we found a BK with an indoor playplace!  The littles were so happy to run around and play for a while!

One of our goals for this trip was to built the family bonds...teach our children about their let them hear the stories of their great, great grandparents, and greats, and grandparents, aunties, uncles....not a perfect person in the family anywhere, but so many knowing the Lord and walking with Him quietly everyday....

My husbands great-grandparents...

Expending some energy at our familys' home...

A great treat was to spend time with my beautiful sister in law Esther, who flew in to spend time with their Aunt and Uncle...

The kids were so excited to see the results of deep family roots....this is a small road that is on what used to be a part of the family farm....

Thank you for praying....we were able to spend wonderful time with my husbands' Aunt and Uncle - to love on them - to encourage his sweet cousin, who cares for her parents so beautifully....always with a cheery smile and a laugh....we were blessed to be there.


Becky K. said...

Glad that is seems all went well.

The kids look happy. I love family road trips too!

Maybe we will see you later.

sherry said...

Love the Rabe Av sign. My husband's family has one as well in a little town northeast of Pittsburg. At the last family reunion he took a picture of it. :o)


~~Deby said...

Wow..that is just so neat to have such ties....I enjoyed the pictures so much..
When I was growing up rides were our family's *thing*...we didn't have money and sometimes my parents would pull in to a grocery store and get a loaf of bread and bottle of ketchup for us to have ketchup sandwiches..there were 7 of us kids...I love long body just can't take them to much anymore....stupid, fibromyalgia...sure have many memories...your kids will too.

Karen said...

Glad you had a good trip-and very glad you're back home safely.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


We were south of was a special trip....

Alicia @ said...

So glad you had a nice time!!

That street sign is way cool!

Karen said...

Can't wait to hear how the bread comes out. Hope your dinner is lots of fun!

Kelly said...

I'm glad you had such a great trip. So many rich memories -- what a blessing.

Melissa G said...

It looked like a great day for a road trip. I love road trips too!

It was great to see my mom! =)

The road sign is great! I was always excited to see the "Day Rd" sign at the end of the road that my Grandma lives on.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...