Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, April 25, 2009

This and That and Unexpected

You remember my photos of our shed demolition, right?  Remember how I said we were going to rebuild it?  Well the township threw a wrench into that plan....they mentioned our non-permanent structure for our horses....according to them, it should have had a permit - even though the regulations state "only if it is a permanent structure, ie:posts in the ground."  We were told that we had a week to come up with a plan to replace it.  sigh....long story short - part of our horse pasture is in a hundred year flood plain.  In order to do anything permanent, we were supposed to do a full flood plain study, the tune of $3,000. plus...then pay multiple thousands for a structure....

Well, after the shock left us, the Lord prompted Tim to call the engineering firm that did the preliminary study many years before we owned the property.  Told the guy what we wanted to do etc...This guy took our plan, looked at the property and contacted the township....just over $200 later and in one week we have all the permits we need for "land disturbance" and building....whew....

Brilliantly my husband has been attending construction auctions to get materials for rebuilding the shed.  A great friend of ours told him about an Amish owned business where they demolish old mobile homes.  We were able to get 30 trusses for $100....So now we are going to be building a 12x30 foot pole barn.  It will have a shed portion for the hay etc...and two stalls....

As you know Tim is on disability right now and we are on a tight we didn't need these extra expenses, add to this shed business a problem with my van that required several hundred dollars....I say "Lord, you do realize we are on a tight budget here, right?"  And He says to me "Stand back and watch me work!"  He is awesome.

We are also taking an unexpected trip to the Pittsburgh area tomorrow for a quick overnight.  My husband's uncle (whose son died last year at Thanksgiving time) is on hospice care...we are taking the kids and going to love on the family.  We will get to see Tim's oldest sister as well, as she is coming up for a visit also.

Would we have planned all these things at this time?  NO!  We would have said we can't do these things, because we are being wise and careful with our finances, good stewards, don't you know?  Well, God has other plans...and sometimes we don't like it...However, He is asking us to trust Him..."let me be in full control of your finances," says He...."but we are being good stewards," we answer, " I own the cattle on a thousand hills...." is His reply.

We are learning a new level of trust....

My girls have been running a store during this past week and a half...the owner goes to church with us and he went on a trip to Israel...they have been having fun, but are bored on the slow days...for Lindsay she is realizing that she can't stand to be cooped up inside for that many hours a day...Today, when she gets home, she is planning to get her horse out and ride for as long as she can...

My oldest son is working learning masonry...he is working hard, which is a good thing...he doesn't have his own car right now, so we have been running him, and the girls to work, because we only had our one van working...I got mine back Thursday and have been so the girls took themselves to work...less running...

I have a lot to do today to prepare for going away tomorrow...packing, organizing food, etc...I also like to leave a really clean parents will come stay here tomorrow after church, so Dad can feed the horses and take the dogs out...etc...we are very thankful for them and their willingness to help.

I would ask you my dear friends to pray for us as we go to Tim's family...that we can be a blessing and an encouragement to them....

Have a lovely weekend....


Donna said...

How wonderful that you got a break on meeting the code requirements! Many of these requirements are quite excessive and very burdensome for citizens.

I will be praying for your family

Becky K. said...

Praise the Lord~ He is good ALL the Time!

I am so glad that He is making Himself so real to you.

You are appreciated, Sister Friend.


Alicia @ said...

God is such the provider!! He works in such amazing ways.

sherry said...

(((tender embrace)))

I'm praying, dear friend. <><

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...