Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Photos Of A Demolition

Like I mentioned in my last post, Tim was determined to get this old shed torn down.

Several guys from our church, were willing to help, along with a few of our older kids, and my dad so down it came.

I learned something new about a friend yesterday - Warren likes to tear things apart!  An Emily was having a grand time right next to him!

Here my dad, Jonathan and Pastor Mike were doing ground duty....Jonathan being so tall was such a blessing - he was able to direct the shingles and plywood from the roof down into the trailer!
Here you can see part of how they had it set up!

Warren and Emily made quick work of the roof!  

Here, Tim and Warren are preparing to carefully remove the trusses.  These will be reused to build a new shed in place of the old one...

We are so thankful for good friends and family who all worked together to get the job done...I think it only took them about 2 hours from start until the whole thing was down!


Becky K. said...

To answer a question asked at bowling today...yes, Warren hurts today...a lot!

He had a great time demolishing your shed, though.


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Emily hurts too!

They worked hard yesterday!

Anonymous said...

What great help you had. That is what the body does for each other..But Tim had better slow down, I don't want him to get hurt!

Alicia @ said...

wow!! tim amazes me!! glad he is feeling so good!!! they got it down fast!

(sorry no caps...typing with one hand) :-)

Ronda said...

What a blessing good friends and family are, especially when hard work is needing to be done, and they are joyously willing to help.
How blessed you are my sweet Mrs. Rabe.

Love & Prayers,

Melissa G said...

Wow! That was fast! "Many hands make light work" as my mom always said. =)

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

What fun! I like demolishing things too!


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