Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Autumn At Creekside Cottage

Autumn as you may remember is my favorite time of year. I thought I would show you some of the seasonal changes around Creekside Cottage.

I love when the leaves are turning...we are not at peak yet, maybe another week.

I love these tall trees - a Red Oak and a huge Sugar Maple... we are thinking of this area for a picnic spot.

Here the littles run toward those trees. They have a spot across the creek from here that they call "Emily's House" since Emily found the spot. They love to play there on a fallen tree.

One of my Red Sunset Maples in the front yard. When we moved here there were no trees in the front yard. We planted two maples and a Cleveland Pear in the side yard.

This is a cheery site to welcome you to our home!

These mums came from a friends garden. She got me started at this house by sharing many plants from her gorgeous perennial garden!

This is a yellow version of the mums!

This is in the garden near my front door. I put the birdbath with the candle out for the tea on Monday so that it would be more welcoming for those coming up the front walk. I don't know if they noticed such things, but I think of these small touches and like to do them.

This is a design Emily made...I helped her cut some of the stars out - it looks awesome at night.

We were supposed to go to co-op today, but we had many families with sickness and so we decided to cancel. The upside to this was that I got to spend time with Tim while he and my dad and the girls worked on the barn. It is coming along and is almost completely under roof! Not too bad for doing it yourself!

I hope you enjoyed a visit to our garden....


Tracy said...

Everything looks so pretty. Wish I was one of the ladies that got to be blessed by attending one of your teas!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Oh wouldn't that be wonderful? It would be so fun to get to have tea with you and your girls - my girls would love it!

Becky K. said...

Things are looking like Autumn at your place. The weather was so nice today...too bad we are among the sick.

Donna Shenk said...

Your home is decorated beautifully for autumn, Deanna! I enjoyed the Tea Monday night (and yes, I'm one of those that noticed the little touches....candles, pumpkins, etc.)
Seriously though, its not the size of the house or the "things" that make it feel special....its the love, joy, and acceptance that is felt when you walk through the doors. Thanks for opening your home to the co-op ladies :)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


Thanks for your sweet words. You always encourage me and I appreciate it!

Alicia @ said...

Love the trees!! In a few weeks I will be taking Cayden to play in the colorful leaves on our preschool tree...another photoshoot for him! haha

I LOVE that pumpkin you and Emily did!! I think I just might steal that idea and do it on my pumpkin this year!!

Oh, Cayden and I danced and sang tonight in the living room and one of the songs on this christian children's cd was "be careful little eyes!!" I thought of you! It was the whole song!!

Kelly said...

I love fall too. I enjoyed your photos. Today, we drove around and took some photos of the beautiful fall colors before the rain came. I'll be posting some on my blog soon.

~~Deby said...

I love Autumn too...even like the WORD, Autumn...
your home and garden are beautiful !!!
Would love to come over for tea and fellowship...

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...