Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 26, 2009

Preparing Preparing A Meal -Nicolas-bernard Lepicie

I seem to always be in a state of preparing...

Today I planned the main meal of the day which we ate around 2:00pm before my husband has to leave for work. I was going to be cooking it, but Emily ended up doing it as I was in the middle of mowing the yard, which takes about an hour or so. Even though I didn't prepare the meal I made sure everything was available to make the meal.

That is a huge part of my life - buying food, preparing food, cleaning up after a meal...for some reason these people expect to eat everyday! When Kyle asked for breakfast this morning, I said to him "You don't need to eat today, you ate yesterday." He grinned at me and said "Your just teasing. I like to eat everyday." So precious!

I also prepare for our co-op every week - decisions to make, emails to send, preparing coffee and tea for the Mom's makes me happy to have it be nice for these ladies.

Another way I prepare is by discipling my children - I am preparing them for their adult life. I am preparing them to be followers of Christ in an increasingly hostile culture. This is a huge part of my life, but I am preparing multi-generationally - I am planning on having great, great grandkids who are walking faithfully with the Lord!

I also am preparing for a Harvest party at our place on Saturday - hot dog roast, bonfire, horseback riding, lots of fun stuff..our whole church and lots of friends are coming.

I am preparing to fly to California the week before Thanksgiving for my niece's wedding. So Rachel and I are starting to think about what we need to pack. We also need to go pick out a pretty new dress for her to wear or I need to get started on making her a dress.

Also then I am preparing ahead of time to make sure everything will be in place for Thanksgiving since I won't be back until the Monday right before the holiday.

Now I need to go and prepare for the evening. I like to get settled in, and the kids in jammies, light some candles, read, knit. Oh, before I do that though I need to run to our Christian Library and return some books, and check out their fill a bag sale!


sherry said...

***for some reason these people expect to eat everyday***

This gave me a chuckle.

We prepare. We prepare to prepare. It seems a constant flow, doesn't it? Oh the blessings that come from our time of preparation though... :o)

jAne at tickleberry farm

Jeanette Levellie said...

I love how you find joy in the simplicity of serving your family and others.

May the Lord honor your labor for Him,
Audience of ONE

Becky K. said...

Happy preparations...

I think you might have gotten a little sun while least it looked like that to me earlier.

Kyle is precious. So funny.

Becky K.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that kids think they need to eat?

For dinner Ryan, Alicia and Cayden came over and so the WHOLE family was here and I made homemade lasagne!!! Rodney and Jill flew down to have their last counseling and they got their wedding lic!!

It is fun to have all my kids and their families here!!

Would love to come for the harvest party!

Alicia @ said...

So sweet what Kyle said!!

I am noticing more and more that as a mom you must prepare in everything daily!!

Alicia @ said...

okay I LOVE the music on your blog!! Many times I come to your blog and leave it open to listen to the music, its so calm and great!!

Kelly said...

You have so much to prepare for right now! Wow! I love preparing food for the family, as well as the homemade products that I've been making to help keep grocery costs down. I also prepare weekly for the class I teach at our co-op.

I guess God created us to be the preparers.

~~Deby said...

normally..I am a preparer...and believe it or not, I am now preparing for Christmas...most of my shopping is done..I even got Christmas paper...I have to do this when I am out which is rare...and a place with a scooter to sit in or my husband pushing me in a wheelchair (this has all been so humiliating...and I can't believe it at times)...
today..I will try to do a few things to PREPARE for my sister and her kiddos coming out..I can't wait...
Just trying to catch up a few minutes this morning...

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...