Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 5, 2009

Thank You! - The Family Meal by Bernardus Johannas Blommers

Thank you all for your kind birthday greetings!

It was a lovely day spent with my precious family. It was a simple day, regular activities - although I got a lot of time to sit and read, and then we went to Chick-fil-A for dinner. This is a treat for us as the two in our area are both about 45 minutes away from where we live. Fun!

My oldest son and his girlfriend joined us. They bought me a beautiful bracelet. My girls got me a basket of things I like - a movie, chocolate, Butter Rum Lifesavers, a $15 iTunes card, a journal, a candle, Burt's Bee's Almond Milk Beeswax Hand Creme, cords to use my new iPod Nano in the van - it can play through the sound system! woo hoo!

My darling bought me my iPod - it is red! It is so nice, I feel spoiled. I also have a beautiful shawl on the way - a gift from my parents, and one of the hats I asked for!

I never really was interested in having an iPod for myself until we got the new-ish van. We are able to plug in game systems or iPods and listen to them through the sound system. I care for very little on the radio - I listen to talk radio mostly, but now I will be able to listen to the music I want, or other audio materials from Blue Behemoth.

My iPod will play video as well, and my girls loaded photos of all my kids onto it!

I will be working on the tea today - it is tonight -so I don't think I will be online much. We leave in the morning for New England. iPod and laptop in hand! I will try to post photos along the way!

I am thankful for your kindness and friendship to me. I am thankful for the Lord's grace in my life this year and in the year to come. I pray for continued growth and wisdom.


Melissa G said...

Yay! I'm glad you got some of the things on your wish list!

Becky K. said...

I am glad you had a great day!

See you in a little bit.

Becky K.

Diane said...

So glad your birthday was special. Sounds like your family and friends really pampered you. Happy Birthday! :O)

Tracy said...

Happy belated birthday. Glad you had a great one! We just got back from Disney.

Apron of the Month Club said...

Great birthday! I'm glad you did get spoiled because us "mommys" need to feel that every once in a while. I enjoy my iPod to listen to books. I love to read but finding time sit is challenging.

Enjoy your iPod.

Karen said...

I'm sorry I missed your special day! I've been behind on reading blogs this past week.

How lovely that your family spoiled you so. Sounds like it was a very nice birthday.

So, belated birthday wishes to you, from me!

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