Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Happy Birthday!

Today is my birthday. My sweet Emily has posted about it on her blog!

Off to have a wonderful day!


Becky K. said...

You are not getting older...well, yes you are... lol...but with our ascending age comes a deeper love of all the Lord has and is doing for us. I love seeing God working in your life, Friend.

Happy Birthday!

Apron of the Month Club said...

*** H A P P Y B I R T H D A Y ***

Hope you have a fabulous day!

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Rabe! We love you!

The Barr Clan

Abounding Treasures said...

Happy Birthday :o)

Alicia @ said...

Happy Birthday!!!♥

SmithFamily said...

Happy Birthday Mrs. Rabe!!!!!
I pray that this coming year the Lord will give you peace,wisdom,and the desires of your heart.
Love,Katie Smith

sherry said...

Sweet belated birthday blessings, dear one. I'm thankful you were gifted with such thoughtful choices. You deserve each one and more. :o)

Bless you dearly,
jAne at tickleberry farm

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