Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, October 19, 2009

Tea - Women Taking Tea - Albert Lynch

My last planned tea party is taking place this evening. This one is for my homeschool co-op Moms. It is always a precious time. We don't always have a big crowd - but it always seems that it is a blessing to those who are there. That is completely God's doing as we have no agenda for this get together. There is no program, no formal place settings, in fact there aren't even tables for the ladies to sit at with their tea things.

This tea takes place in my living room/kitchen area. Usually all the food and tea are on our table and we go buffet style with my glass luncheon plates. Ladies stand or sit in the living room - groups talking here and there and moving fluidly through the evening. Sometimes when bad weather has kept many away, the few gathered will get into serious discussions. Inevitably someone will say "I needed to be here tonight!" That is when my heart is happiest - the joy of hosting an event that allows these precious ladies a chance to use fine things and talk with those who know what it is like to teach their children at home. Those who have gone before them and have wisdom from their years of experience, those who know how to make us all laugh over a frustration.

I am looking forward to tonight. We are going to do some fun pumpkins for decorations. I promise to have the girls take photos and I will show them to you. sigh...I can't wait for my own camera to be fixed.


sherry said...

Sounds lovely. Wish I could be there, too. :o)

jAne at tickleberry farm

Anonymous said...

I do like the picture with this post!! It would be nice to have glass doors opening to a pretty garden!!

Kristin said...

I love the quote you display on your sidebar about children and debt! I've heard it before, but what a lovely reminder.

Mama Sewing said...

Sounds like fun! Wish I could come. :)

Kelly said...

I hope all went well. It sounds lovely. You do such a great job planning teas.

Now, did you happen to keep some seeds from any of those pumpkins? Duane thought it would be a great idea to roast some pumpkin seeds in your oven for the Fall Harvest Party.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

It was so nice - you are all welcome to come to the next one! :)

Kelly, tell Duane we did roast seeds! We can save some or we can carve our last pumpkin while everyone is here and roast them then!

Cheri' said...

It sounds like it would have been such a lovely evening! Wish I could have been there and met your friends!

As I recall you said you've previously done a Christmas Tea. Could you tell me what you have done in the past for that tea?

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


My main emphasis at Christmas Teas is to talk about Keeping Christ in Christmas. It is so easy to get caught up in activities and parties and movies and shopping that we forget what Christmas is for! Lots of areas to talk about - I give ideas for how to do it:
Nativity set in home, advent calendar, reading good stories aloud, baking Christmas cookies with Nativity Cookie Cutters, to give to the neighbors....I use plain white wrapping paper and write the words to Christmas hymns on them or verses, I hang the names of Jesus on the tree "wonderful" "Councillor" "The mighty God" "Prince of Peace". etc...

I serve regular and holiday tea, lots of goodies, often have everyone bring something to share...decorate with lots of candles and lights - Jesus is the "Light of the World" after all!

Hope this helps!

Jeanette Levellie said...

You are so creative and thoughtful. I'm trying hard not to be envious of your ladies attending tonight! Many blessings on your time together,

Becky K. said...

I am sorry I missed it.
It is always special.

Mahek said...

how did you get this template ? you have such a wonderful blog which looks more beautiful with the template that you have can you please tell me how i can change my template at

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


If you look at the top left corner of my blog you will see the words "cutest blog on the block." If you click on it you will be taken to their website where they have many beautiful backgrounds for blogs. They give you all the directions of how to upload them to your blog! Very simple.

Thanks for the complement!

Cheri' said...

Mrs Rabe,
Thank you soooo much. I have only done Thanksgiving Teas -- which was my intention this year, but we are having a conflict with November dates, so I'm thinking of moving it to early December. That's a decision I have to make NOW, so your ideas are extremely helpful! I love your thoughtful creativity!!

Thanks again!!

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