Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, October 24, 2009

The Most Important Work I Do

is to mother these great children. I am in awe over the way God answered the desires of my heart (placed there by Him) by allowing me to be a wife and mother. It was all I ever wanted to do.

I am not the perfect mother, I have made lots of mistakes, but I am passionate about it and purposeful in it.

It is a priceless treasure to hold the affections of these wonderful people.

I am blessed beyond what I deserve.

Mother, Home, and Heaven

There are three words that sweetly blend,
That on the heart are graven;
A precious soothing balm they lend -
They're Mother, Home and Heaven!

They twine a wreath of beauteous flowers,
Which, placed on memories urn,
Will e'en the longest, gloomiest hours
To golden sunlight turn!

They form a chain whose every link
Is free from base alloy;
A stream where whosoever drinks
Will find refreshing joy!

They build an alter where each day
Love's offering is renewed;
And peace illumes with genial ray
Life's darkened solitude!

If from our side the first has fled,
And Home be but a name,
Let's strive the narrow path to tread,
That we the last may gain!


Tracy said...

great post. It really is an honor to raise young ones for Jesus.

Kelly said...

It is a blessing to raise our young ones for the Lord, but some days it's really hard. Today has been a difficult day for me and your words are a help. Thank you, Deanna.

Karen said...

You have a beautiful family and a beautiful attitude about motherhood.

I need to remember that my children truly are a treasure from heaven, even on those days it doesn't *feel* like it. ;-)

Alicia @ said...

Being a mom is the best!

Beth said...

Oh my goodness. Your post brought tears to my eyes.
I love my childen so much and I'm glad to see that you feel the same for yours!
Blessings! Beth

Karen Wagner said...

I love being a mom too! You have such beautiful and handsome children! I feel blessed by being back in touch with you and getting to know you again! Love ya, Karen

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