Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Ah, There is nothing like staying home for real comfort.

Miss Jane Austen


I love this quote – especially on rainy days like we have been having.  I like nothing better than being in my cozy home and baking or cooking, drinking tea and reading a good book.  I love to have all the curtains and blinds open so that the house is filled with natural light.


I like to light candles and use warm throw blankets to toss over a chair or couch so that they are available to use whenever someone feels the need to snuggle up!

I was out for a good portion of the afternoon and was so happy to get home!

I am thankful for my home and the privilege to use it and to share it with others.  It’s a blessing.



GiGi said...

That day sounds great. Aren't homes wonderful? Like little pieces of heaven on earth.

Kelly said...

Aaah, yes, the "Cozy Comforts" of home. lol

I, too, prefer to be in the warm comfort of my home on damp, rainy days and cold days. And like you, I like to use these days for baking or reading a good book and having a good cup of tea, and sometimes hot chocolate.

Donna Shenk said...

Totally agree with you! Nothing better than being surrounded by my kids, baking something to make the house smell good, and just simply slowing down to enjoy the little things in life. It grounds us and brings us back to what's really important in life when we get too busy runnning, running, running!

Becky K. said...

Sorry we'll probably not make it back in time for the Fall Fest. It sounds like the family activities will go on into the late afternoon.

Our children are not amused!

We will see you on Sunday, Lord willing.

Allison said...

I can only agree with you. There is no place like home!

~~Deby said...

I love this quote and so agree with what you wrote...even more so know that the time has changed....we are snuggling in...

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...