Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, October 2, 2009

Time Alone - Autumn Colors, New Hampshire - Jules Cowan

Last night, Tim and the kids went shopping for my birthday. We met up at Costco after he got off work. I went home. All by myself.

It was quiet. I feed the dogs and the horses. I put the trash cans away. I sat on the deck and read, and talked to my Mom on the phone.

When I came in I continued to read and then watched some news. I worked on a skirt for Rachel out of some brown velvet that she picked out at the fabric store.

It was quiet and was so good for my soul. Even with the news on. I just had a bit of time to myself. It was refreshing.

Then they came home. So excited from shopping and eager to hug and kiss me. I was ready to pay attention to them and to listen to them talk. I tried to be apart of their activity but they all sent me to my room. They had gifts to wrap etc...

Today the littles went out to run errands with me. We dropped the girls at work and then I took them to eat CinniMelts at McDonalds. One near us is just like a nice cafe inside! We had a good time. My children were very well behaved. Then we did a bit of shopping for clothes and food and then headed home.

Now, Tim has headed over to my parents to help my Dad with a project, and he took the little ones. Two of whom are going to spend the night with Grandma. He will pick the girls from work on his way home. What does this mean for me? More time alone! Wow!

I am going to tidy the kitchen and then declutter my bedroom. It is not a haven for Tim and I right now, or restful to me. So I need to go get busy working on that!

Happy Friday to you all!


Becky K. said...

Is your birthday tomorrow or Sunday?

I am glad you got some alone time. It has been a while since you have done that. It makes you ready to see the family, though.



Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Today is my birthday!

Becky K. said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!!!!!

Kelly said...

It is refreshing to have a little time to yourself. What are cinnamelts? We don't do McDonalds.

Home Keeping

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