Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 7, 2009

A Quiet Weekend

Saturday the forecast was for snow, but we live in an area of our state that is rather mild over all. However right around 8:30 am the snow started to fall, very lightly at first, then heavier and heavier.

The photo above is one Emily took early in the snowfall. We ended up with about 5 inches! It was a wet snow and hung on all the trees and shrubs so beautifully!

The little girls had a birthday party to attend on Saturday - right near our closest Target store - so the big girls and I did a bit of Christmas shopping while we were out. It was fun.

Home to relax and get ready for the evening as well as prep for Sunday. I always have the kids pick out what they want to wear to church a day ahead so that we can see if it needs to be ironed, if they have tights etc...even if they are clean! They everyone gets clean and into pajamas. We had a fellowship meal planned for after the service on Sunday so Lindsay cooked Chicken and Pasta and Emily made Uncle Robert's Chocolate Surprise Pie. YUM!

I got to bed late, and had a late night phone call. Could get back to sleep - then
unfortunately slept to late for Sunday School...we did make church and our fellowship meal! The older kids also practiced "O, Holy Night" for Christmas Eve.

We headed home for a while - Kyle and Sarah played out in the snow, the animals were attended to, and then the three older girls headed over to the folks at Hospitality Lane. They had quite the fun time.

I had a quiet evening with Sarah and Kyle - I read, they watch a couple of kid movies. It was lovely.

Tomorrow the busyness begins again. I am taking my son and his girlfriend to their doctor's appointment - hoping to hear the baby's heartbeat - and then I have a meeting in the evening.

I trust you had blessed weekend with much rest and delight in the season...


Melissa G said...

Snow falling is so peaceful and beautiful! It looks like the barn got up just in time!
We're hoping we'll get snow in MO.

Becky K. said...

Did you say Christmas Shopping??? Oh my, I do need to do that.

I loved having the young people here last night. Rachel kept making us laugh by coming up to hang out with the "old people", and probably the real reason, the animals. She can fit through the railings on the banister. Tiny girl.

Love her!

Hope your day goes well.
See you later!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


I remember snow there, but also lots of ice!


Later alligator!

Cheri' said...

I thought of you tonight while we were decorating our worship center for our Christmas Tea. The ladies are so excited for this Tea, and many have invited friends! It's going to be a very special time.

I just wanted to tell you that your blog about your Thanksgiving Tea and your ideas have helped me to plan this tea for the women!

Thank you so very much for sharing!

Ronda said...

The picture is just so lovely and peaceful.

I know it must have been cold, but it is so lovely.

Have A Peachy Keen Day.

Love & Prayers,

Spring Is On The Way

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