Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, December 14, 2009

Creekside Cottage - Thomas Kinkade - Christmas Evening

Isn't this a lovely creekside cottage?

It doesn't look anything like my Creekside Cottage. Don't know if you all know but my blog is named after our house...I have always loved the old tradition of naming houses. In Little Women - they live in Orchard House. The Bennet sisters live at Longbourn and Mr. Darcy of course is from Pemberly.

We kept trying to think of a name for our house and finally a few years ago came up with Creekside Cottage. Our little yellow rancher sits on 4 1/4 acres with a creek that runs 11 months of the year, well, most years.

Our little cottage is not perfect - in fact it was a huge mess which is why we were able to afford our home! It really needs new siding - it is over 20 years old and has some holes here and there - a few rooms still need baseboard trim...that sort of thing. It is a delightful work in progress, and has been fun to make it our own, so to speak. Did I ever tell you that my husband has made all our door and window trim? He patterned it after the trim in the 1930's era house we used to own. It has added a lot of character to our home.

When we moved here we desired that the Lord would use our home and property to be a blessing to other people. He has answered that prayer in that He has allowed us to reach out to others and host them here. Sometimes it has been just for a family party or an afternoon of fun with a bonfire, but other times it has been for a weekend with a family we only knew through blogging!

There is always a lot going on at Creekside Cottage - school, family life, cooking, knitting, sewing, photography, music practice, reading, watching good movies....

Right now, Emily is working on her biology. Rachel is making Snickerdoodle cookies, Kyle and Sarah are looking through an I Spy book they got at the library. We all love these books - we like mysteries: Nancy Drew books and games, I Spy, Clue....Lindsay has feed the horses and has them ready for the evening. She was playing her recorder just a bit ago...dinner is started and dark has descended for the evening. The outdoor lights are on, inside soft lamplight and strings of white Christmas lights on the tree and all around. I find such joy in simple times and activities!

It is our prayer that in the New Year our family would continue to have these kinds of opportunities for hospitality. We delight to see the fruit of it in our own children's lives as every week after church they ask right away "Is anyone coming over today?" They are eager to host our family and friends!

What are you looking forward to in the New Year?


tea time and roses said...

A beautiful post. I can imagine just how wonderful and warm it must be visiting your home. Creekside Cottage sounds like a place I sure would love to spend a day. Wishing you a most beautiful week.

By the way, I love your banner, so beautiful. Christmas is only a few days away, how wonderful!:o)



Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

Creekside Cottage sounds like my kind of place! That print is beautiful! I love pictures of cottages and homes in general.

I have been trying to think of a name for my house for about 10 years now and just can't settle on anything we all feel good with!


Cheri' said...

I started to read this post a while ago, but was interrupted after the first couple paragraphs. I kept thinking about the idea of giving your home a name and wanted to read more of what you had to say about it. I love the idea! I want to share it with my husband and see what he thinks about naming our home! Also, you mentioned having a blog friend over to your home. I was curious -- how do you go about meeting those you know through blogging? Or did you already know them? Thanks for this post! It's beautiful! I love reading about the many ways you bless others with your gift of hospitality!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Hi Cheri'

Thank you for your sweet comments!

To answer your question about having a blogging friend over it was a "God thing." We had only recently begun attending a small family integrated church, but had very good friends that went there. We get together on Friday nights for either Bible Study or a family fun night. One night it was mentioned that a young couple that were driving a truck were in the area for the weekend and one of their dads had looked online at the family integrated church website found our church was local to where they were and contacted the church. When their names were mentioned I was amazed! I had been reading their family blogs for months! It was almost like knowing them, but not really. When they arrived we talked and enjoyed our time, they were looking for a place to park their truck for the weekend, so we invited them to our place and had them and their two young boys in for the weekend. It was a joy and we still stay in touch a bit...

Also, Becky from Hospitality Lane set up a PA blogging get together. It was in a public place and people had to contact her personally through an email account. It was never advertised on the blogs.

Hope this helps!

Can't wait to hear what you name your house!

Lilac Cottage Homestead said...

Hello, I just happen upon your wonderful site. And before I go I just wanted to let you know what a wonderful wonderful blessing your music has been for me. God has touched my heart deeply through it. God bless you

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