Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Reading - Young Girl Reading - Jean-Honore' Fragonard

I have been addicted to reading since I was in the first grade. Seriously addicted...I would read the cereal boxes on the table at breakfast every morning. My mom joined a book club when I was in elementary school so that she could buy me Nancy Drew books at a good price, it was a two books in one kind of deal. They would come once a month I think. sigh. I would be done with them in about a week. My mom couldn't keep me in books.

I love going into bookstores of all kinds. Now there is a lot of 'twaddle' out there as Charlotte Mason would say. This is true not only in children's literature but in adult literature as well, and let's just be honest there is a lot of garbage out there. But hey, I am not going there in this post!

What I wanted to share was some of the books that I read this year. Now mind you, being a busy mom, who homeschools and runs a homeschool co-op, and since we do lots of hospitality I don't have the time to read like I used to. But I read none the less, even if I have to stay up late because it is like breathing to me. I must do it.

I will try to list as many as I remember.

My Bible - God

All three books of Beverly Lewis' series "The Courtship of Nellie Fisher."

To Know Her By Name - Lori Wick
Promise Me Tomorrow - Lori Wick
Cassidy - Lori Wick
Sabrina - Lori Wick
Jessie - Lori Wick
Every Little Thing About You - Lori Wick
Every Storm - Lori Wick
Pretense - Lori Wick
The Hawk and The Jewel - Lori Wick
The Princess - Lori Wick

In case you can't tell - I am a huge Lori Wick fan and all of these books are rereads for me! Certain books like The Princess and Pretense I have read many times!

Lessons At Blackberry Inn - Karen Andreola. I am a huge fan of Karen's too!

True Honor - Dee Henderson
True Valor - Dee Henderson
True Courage - Dee Henderson
The Guardian - Dee Henderson

Emma - Jane Austen
Mr. Knightley's Diary - Amanda Grange
Jane Fairfax - Joan Aiken
Persuasion - Jane Austen
Captain Wentworth's Diary - Amanda Grange
Mr. Darcy's Diary - Amanda Grange
Letters From Pemberley - Jane Dawkins
More Letters From Pemberley - Jane Dawkins
The Pemberley Chronicles - Rebecca Ann Collins
The Women of Pemberley - Rebecca Ann Collins
Netherfield Park Revisited - Rebecca Ann Collins
The Lost Memoirs of Jane Austen

Princess Adelina - An Ancient Christian Tale of Beauty and Bravery - Julie Sutter

Her Hand In Marriage - Douglas Wilson
The Fruit of Her Hands - Nancy Wilson
What He Must Be - If He Wants to Marry My Daughter - Voddie Baucham
The Little Boy Down The Lane - Douglas Phillips
Let Us Highly Resolve - David and Shirley Quine
Uniting Church and Home - Eric Wallace
The Duggars - 20 and Counting - Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar

This doesn't include the many books I read to my children.

I know there have been many more books that I have read, but since I don't keep a list, I can't possibly remember them all.

I try to be very careful about what I put into my mind, and what my children read as well. I like to read non fiction as well as fiction. Books that encourage me in my ministry as a wife and mother, and books that are just fun to read.

What have you been reading this year?


Melissa G said...

I haven't read much this year. I miss it!

I just looked up the book you mentioned The Princess Adelina: An Ancient Christian Tale of Beauty and Bravery. It sounds really good! And based on a true story too!
I'll have to look up some of the other books you mentioned and get back to reading!

GratefulPrayerThankfulHeart said...

That is one impressive list of books. I haven't read that many books in one year for as long as I can remember, if ever. This year I have read six books, the last one was Till We Have Faces by CS Lewis. I have had his The Great Divorce on my night stand for three weeks and am on the third chapter.

My youngest daughter reads like you do. Her very favorite place is the Library or Book store.

Wishes for a very Happy New Year!
Kindly, ldh

Cheri' said...

What a great list of books! I absolutely love reading, but haven't read as much this past year as I would like.

Several I read would include:
The Bible -- God
The Secret -- Beverly Lewis
The Missing -- Beverly Lewis
Transforming Grace -- Jerry Bridges
The Discipline of Grace -- Jerry Bridges
Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret -- Dr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor
To Live Is Christ -- Beth Moore
Re-read some of the Mitford Series -- Jan Karon.

And I love historical fiction.
There were other books I've read, but I can't remember them right now.

I love your list -- I might have to pick up some of them and read them this next year! Thanks for this post!

PS: Thanks for answering my questions on your previous post!

Tracy said...

I LOVE books too. It looks like we read the same kind of books.

Evan said...

Ok just my favorites from this year

the only road north by Erik mirandette.
writes about his experience riding from south Africa to Egypt on motorcycles. They were stopping and aiding ministries along the way.

Blue like jazz by Donald miller

a million miles in a thousand years by Donald miller
how to live a better story.

I read quite a few more but these were my favorites. Also Erwin McManus and Donald Miller have come to be two of my favorite authors. All the books except "the shack" were nonfiction. I have a hard time reading fiction.

Becky K. said...

I've mostly read things for school...lots of apologetics and theology.

I do adore historical fiction and found time for a few of those.
I like to visit the bookstore at the Library.

However, for Christmas I received Sarah Palin's book, Going Rogue.
I am reading that now.

I hope your headache is gone....we missed you yesterday.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I forgot to say that I usually have several books going at the same time - something education related along with something fiction or biographical etc...

Becky - I gave my dad Sarah Palin's book for Christmas. I am going to read it when he is through with it. Usually we buy the books and he borrows from us!

Evan - I read your full list online. That was one thing that got me thinking about what I read this year. I do a lot of fiction reading over the summer, when I have a bit more personal time.

sherry said...

Since Christmas last year I've been plugging away at John Adams by McCullough - 3/4 way through, not an easy read as I want to soak myself in knowledge, not missing anything.

Lizzie gifted me with Pride & Prejudice this Christmas. I completed it last night at 9:30. ahem. ;o) I'm happy to report that the A&E film version is aligned *very* closely with the book. The book however describes Mr. Collins as tall, solidly built, extremely solemn and formal. I must admit that I dearly love the character portrayed in the A&E much better. :o)

I've read a number of books this year, mainly by Oke, Lewis and Woodward and all having to do with prairie or Amish life.

Bess Streeter Aldrich always makes its way to my reading chair with titles such as A Lantern In Her Hand, Mother Mason, etc. She's my favorite author.

Oh! Lizzie also gifted me with a lovely volume of Tess of the D'Urbervilles. I have the dvd of the story and it's dark, mysterious, heart wrenching. She and Rocky watched it with me, anticipated a happy tale but incredulous that it wasn't to be so. sigh. Excellent story, actually. Have you read/watched? Another favorite dvd that I need to read the actual book is The Mayor of Casterbridge.

jAne * tickleberry farm

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