Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Tree For Kyle

This blurry photo is the best I can do with my little point and shoot! But it looks so nice in Kyle' bedroom. You see yesterday, I had him cleaning his room while I sorted through his clothes, packing away the ones he has outgrown. It occurred to me that other than a string of lights over his window, his room didn't have much Christmas spirit! Then in a flash - a brilliant thought - "I have small trees downstairs! Wouldn't it be cute to put one in his room." But what, other than lights would I put on the tree? Then it came to me - he has a huge bin of Hot Wheels! I could put some of his cars on the tree with yarn. As I looked through the bin I realized that he has a lot of motorized vehicles from the movie "CARS"! I grabbed my left over red yarn, wrapped it around one of the back tires and tied it to the tree. I also put a few other cars on it - like one of his Jeff Gordon hot wheels. He loved it!

Here it is with the flash on my camera - you can see that Lightning McQueen has the top spot...of course.

What is the most creative thing you have ever decorated a tree with?


Anonymous said...

Cute!! Where's the tow truck? I like him!!!

Alicia @ said...

SO SO SOOOOOOO CUTE!!!! I love it when kids have their very own tree!! So fun!! I bet Kyle just loves it!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Sweetie...
How cute is this. I just love it. Cars was such a cute movie, and I just love them tied on the tree. Making Kyles room festive also.

You asked about what was the most creative thing I had used on a tree? That would be mittens. I put a kitten (TY) at the top and a couple of others amongst the tree branches, then I added little pairs of mittens throughout, and the crowing glory in the front and center (Element of surprise) The Three Little Kittens Storybook. It went over so well. You cannot imagine the compliments that I got that year. It was only a 4 foot tree, and I put it in the kid's reading room when they were little. I put each of their rocking chairs around it. It was a lot of fun.

Thanks for asking. Please stop by and say hi. I love the company.

Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


That sound adorable! What a clever mama you are...I bet it is a big memory for them now that they are grown...I can just picture it with their little chairs all sweet!

sherry said...

What a sweet mama you are and what a happy little man Kyle must be! This is too cute!

A few years back I didn't feel like using the ornaments we had stored away. I was working with some quilting fabric and had an idea to rough-tear thin strips, 'bout 8 inches long, and tie them to the branches here and there. With the white lights they offered up a majorly shabby chic look to our Christmas tree. Sounds weird probably, but it actually was really pretty! :o)

jAne * tickleberry farm

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...


Kyle was and is thrilled with his tree!

As to your Shabby tree - I think I can picture it and it sounds pretty.

Melissa G said...

How cute! Kyle must feel so proud to have his own tree in his room! And it's perfectly decorated for a little boy!

Have fun at your ball tonight!

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