Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 17, 2010

Full Weekend

Here are my Mom, myself and my girls at a Mother/Daughter tea that the Women's ministry team from her church sponsored, on Saturday.

It was lovely, held outside at a beautiful home

The tables were simple yet pretty - white tablecloths, a bit of pink tulle, and peonies cut from someone's garden.  The placed a couple of pedestals on the tables with chocolate covered strawberries, brownies, lemon bars and rice crispy treats.

They also had chilled strawberry soup - it had an unusual spice added - cloves!  I had never thought of using cloves with strawberries before.  I don't care for the strong flavor of cloves so, it was not a favorite with me.  Bummer!  I love strawberries!

It was very bright and sunny - so we all had our sunglasses on!

It was also my sweet Momma's birthday!  She is 39 years old.  She says the scary thing about being 39 is that she is now younger than her own children!  Amazing how that happened isn't it?

On Sunday I threw a baby shower for Kayleigh.  My granddaughter is due in 4 weeks!  It is getting close! 

You can see here Emily's Bitty Baby dressed up in a onsie that I embroidered for my granddaughter, and I also knit her wee little cap.  The crib is a gift from our family and my parents (the great grandparents!) to Nate, Kay and Kamryn!  It is a mini convertible crib.  So, so cute!  It converts to a toddler bed then to a single bed instead of a full size bed.  It fits their living space much better than a full crib yet it has all the beautiful styling and design of a full size crib.  It uses portacrib sheets which were hard to find so I bought fabric at JoAnn's and made one!  It is that cute brown and pink polka dot item the dolly is sitting on.  The brown and pink blanket you see, I made to go with the sheet.  I am next going to attempt to make a crib bumper using the left over brown and pink soft material!  What fun to sew for my wee grandgirl who is coming soon!

Of course the girls and I did my usual sweet and savory tea.  Scones, mock Devonshire cream,  homemade lemon curd, mini quiches and Emily's amazing Lemon Bars.  They have an unusual topping that makes them divine, in my opinion!  I will get her to post the recipe and then link to it for you!

Here you can see they pretty table - I used a vintage looking floral fabric on our huge table and added a smaller lace tablecloth on top.

My mom, Kelly from Cozy Comforts, Becky from Hospitality Lane 

Another pretty view of the table, our punch, which was on the counter, was pink lemonade with Sprite - no water added.  It was a pretty pink color and tangy in flavor!  Of course we had tea. 

Here you can see the crib, next to the Momma to be.  Notice the little girls listening to Kay.

From this view you can see the rest of the guests.  It was special to have mothers and daughters together - showing love and being excited to welcome a new Rabe Babe!


Becky K. said...

Can't wait to hold that little Rabe Babe! In the meantime, this was a very sweet shower. I am glad to get to know Kay better.

And, you know, I love those scones and all that goes with them!!!!

Becky K.

Andrea said...

What a beautiful day...and as long as your mom keeps having those 39th birthdays...she is blessed!

sherry said...

oh my what loveliness all around .. especially the Rabe Babe impending welcome. what special love. :o)

okay, back to graduation programs...sigh.


Kelly said...

It was a wonderful day. It is a blessing to hear the things that Kay is realizing through her involvement in your family.

Tracy said...

It looks like it was a beautiful shower, Deanna! I've always wondered how to pronounce your last name. Is it Rabe like rob, Rabe like babe, or Rabe like baby?

Melissa G said...

It's Rabe like babe. =)

You all look so pretty at the tea and the baby shower looked like fun. The crib is beautiful and i love the idea of converting it to a toddler bed.

Alicia @ said...

My parents bought us the crib that converts as well!! So nice that those are made like that now!! Everything looks so great!

Tracy said...

Glad to hear the shower was a great success.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I forgot to say that the crib also then converts to a single bed - at least the headboard and footboard for it! It is a pretty nice set up!

Simple Home said...

I love all of the wonderful family photos. I'll bet you can't wait for that little one to arrive. I laughed at your mom's age. My mil always said she was 25 and it was funny as each of our children got old enough to realize that daddy was older than his mom, but not old enough to understand "how" that was possible :-)

Anonymous said...
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Sue said...

What a great weekend you all had, I love special times like this. The memories you are making will last them a life time.I know you must be so anxious for that grand baby.
I also enjoyed reading some of your other post.... Just love love those red conversesEmilie Barnes had been a mentor of mine for a long time. I think I have almost all of her books.
Thanks for sharing these special memories.

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