Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Fun Day

Today was our co-ops annual Track and Field Day.  It is always so much fun, but a lot of work for the lady who is the coordinator of the event, so Marla, well done, as usual!

All the children participating get to choose 5 events to participate in.  Some of the events are 50 yard dash, soccer dribble, shuttle run, softball throw, obstacle course.  The youngest three and myself were the only ones able to go this year, as Tim was sleeping (after working all night) and Lindsay and Emily were running a ladies accessory store in the city, for a friend of ours from church.  He needed to be out of town this weekend and so he asked if the girls would run his store again.  They did it last year around this time when he went to Israel.  It is really neat that an 18 year old and a 16 year old are trusted to run the whole store and handle everything!

Anyway, Rachel, Sarah, Kyle were all in groups according to their ages or grades from co-op and then had a blast!  It was so hot and even with sunscreen we got a bit of sun!  We were going through the water like fish!

Every child who participates gets a certificate, a participation ribbon and then of course they can earn ribbons for 1st, 2nd and 3rd in their events.  Kyle won a first place for the softball throw and two second place ribbons for shuttle run and soccer dribble.  Sarah won 2 third place ribbons for soccer dribble and shuttle run, Rachel won a first place for soccer dribble, and two 3rd places for obstacle course and long jump!  They were excited.

What a blessing our co-op is and I just love these precious families!

We came home, the girls were home so they started dinner while I went out to mow.  With all the heat we have had and the rain, the grass needs to be mowed twice a week!  I am thankful for our riding mower, even though it is ancient and decided to not restart when I was almost finished!  We really need to invest in a good mower that will last - Tim would like to get a tractor that has a mower deck that way it could be utilized for many things that need to be done on our property.  We will not go into debt for it though, so we will need to see what the Lord will provide!

Everything is so green now and in a few weeks we will have past our last possible frost date, so we will be able to transfer plants to the raised beds and directly plant our baby carrots, melons, potatoes...I feel so grateful to the Lord for allowing us to have this property and to be able to make it useful for us as a family.  Lindsay and Rachel were riding this evening and it was a reminder to me of the blessing of having horses!  I mean I grew up in a small house in Southern California and now I live here on 4 1/4 acres with horses on the other side of our small creek, and raised garden beds, and a perennial garden out front.  Two beautiful maple trees that we planted in the front yard, a Cleveland Pear for prettiness alone...

We are very blessed.

ps- I wanted to post photos and a darling video of Kyle running his 50 yard dash but I can't get them to post...I will try again tomorrow.

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