Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 10, 2010

This and That

What a beautiful weekend we have had!  Our homeschool convention was as always fantastic.  We were able to buy what we needed for next year.  A great thing about home educating for the long haul is that you have lots of great materials from years past!  Next year we will be doing American History again, after studying World History for 3 years.  I already have everything we need, plus we supplement with good books from the library.  I love to use good historical fiction as well as biographies of people from the time period we are studying.

My garden as you can see is growing nicely.  I love the spring when my garden finally gets going! 

I am not a fancy gardener, I don't have the time to fuss with plants.  I do love them though and I love being able to go out and cut fresh flowers for my home!

The strawberries are coming along quite nicely...some of the plants have berries on them but are not ripe yet.

Mother's day was a relaxing wonderful time.  My husband gave me two movies I have wanted, plus an amazing note, that made me cry, the good kind of crying!  Lindsay and Emily gave me red Converse!  They are so cute.  Of course I have no photos...we just enjoyed our day and I spent most of the afternoon relaxing on a bed at my parents, with my mom doing nothing, but watching some shows and sharing the day!  The rest of the family was downstairs playing wii!

Nate and Kayleigh came by too, please pray for her as she has about 4 weeks left in the pregnancy.  She is reaching the uncomfortable stage. 

I must go out this afternoon for a grocery run!  I haven't been since we got back from vacation.  We are in need of supplies!

Have a great day!


Andrea said...

Praising GOD for your beautiful weekend! Hope you have an awesome day. Your flowers are beautiful and the strawberries will be yummy, soon.

Becky K. said...

I've been thinking of Kayleigh. So soon she will hold that sweet baby girl in her arms. Praying for all to go well.

Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day. We had a very nice time together.

Your roses are open? So pretty!

Becky K.

Melissa G said...

Your garden looks beautiful!

I always enjoyed it when mom would read historical fiction to us as a family when we homeschooled.

Praying for Keyleigh.

Red Converse! Fun

None said...

What gorgeous photos!!!! The colors are brilliant... wow.


Information Friday!

  Not a great photo, I took this one sitting in traffic today, but the color is starting to come on strong! Beauty everywhere! I truly wonde...