Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sometimes God's Plans Are Different Than Ours...

and so I have a choice.  I can fight it or I can accept it as His good will for my life.

I have been feeling drained lately - not so much physically but emotionally and mentally.  It is pretty typical for me at this time of year - finishing co-op, finishing our school year, the month of May is filled with birthdays, well, you get the idea!

Just when I am thinking that it would be great to have some down time, we got a call from my son and his girlfriend.  Their living situation with her dad deteriorated and they needed a place to go.  So guess where they are? It makes it sticky for us because they are not married so we will not let the share a room, so my son is on the couch right now. It looks as if he is going to be getting a job with a power washing company that should start in a few weeks.  

They had a weekly check up this morning, she is 38 weeks now, and since she hasn't gained any weight the last 3 weeks, they have ordered an ultra sound for tomorrow.  Their is some possible concern about the amniotic fluid being low.  We are getting excited about meeting our granddaughter - Kyle asked this morning "When can I see Kamryn?"  He is happy to be an uncle very soon!

We need wisdom and grace during this time - we want to give good advice and to encourage them in making right choices. 

On a different note - it is going to be a beautiful day - hot though - so we are planning an early  trip to Longwood for a few hours then home to the air conditioning!


Becky K. said...

Oh, sweet friend....

Well, we know that God doesn't make mistakes so it will be interesting to see how all of this plays out.


Let me know how I can help.


~~Deby said...

I know how hard these type of things can be, personally....praying for discernment for you and your family and for wisdom for the doctors with that new grandbaby coming....the Lord knows all the details...I along with many others, I am sure will uphold you in prayer...

Tracy said...

I'm exhausted, too. It's been a long year for our family.

I admire you for doing what is right, and setting a good example for your younger children.

Janelle said...

Have just stumbled across your blog. You made me think of Godly Womanhood. How refreshing!

Andrea said...

May GOD give you wisdom, discernment, understanding, and perfect peace as you journey through the days ahead. May HE fill you with HIS presence and speak to you and through you.
Blessings and hugs,

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...