Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, May 23, 2010


We had a lovely day today.  We really enjoy our church so much, especially the sweet fellowship with our church family.  A bunch of us went out to lunch and then we came home to rest, the little ones having been up late Saturday night.  

Lindsay, Emily, and their friends, Chelsea and Mindy went outside to take photos and have fun.  It is precious to me to see them have a great time together.

Tim works this weekend, crazy hours, so he went home to bed after Sunday School, and will get up soon to head back to work.  He really dislikes working on Sunday.

Rachel, took all these photos this week - I guess I have a budding photographer on my hands! 

She will be 11 soon, and is such a sweet spirited girl.  She is at that in between stage, not only a little girl, but verging on young womanhood.  She is a delight to us.

I am trying to live one day at a time, taking it all in, enjoying my time with my husband and my children.  I want to live my life in a way that honors the Lord, that brings Him pleasure.

Brenda  wrote about Bliss and shared her list with us.  One of my blisses is my garden and the beautiful flowers that bloom in it.  Sometimes I don't have words to express how their beauty makes me feel.

Emily cut a bunch of these roses yesterday and since they are a climber they have short stems.  She put them in a cut crystal candy dish filled with water and they are stunning.  I will try to get a photo tomorrow!

If we have fine weather this week, I think we will take a day at Longwood Gardens.  

I hope your Sunday is one of rest and beauty. 


Andrea said...

I have an urgent prayer request on arise 2 write.

Dana @ MFCK said...

Hi there, Mrs. Rabe-

I came across your blog from a comment you had left on Rhonda's blog about simple living.

I love your flower pictures, they turned out beautifully! (Both the flowers and the pictures!)

Based on your blog, I thought you might be interested in another blog I'm involved with. Maria's Country Kitchen ( is a simple living blog dedicated to home cooking and organic gardening practices.

Take a look around and join the Facebook page (link on the site) if you're interested. There's a great group of women there engaged in conversation!

~~Deby said...

beautiful post...and indeed you have a budding photographer...
flower pictures are my favorites....enjoy your time at Longwood Gardens...we are having a rainy day today in the Pacific Northwet...

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...