Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Happy Birthday, Dad

Today is my Dad's birthday. He's 71.  I can say that because he is a man and doesn't care about his age.  In fact, I would say he is pretty proud of being that old!  

They retired about 12 years ago and moved here to beautiful Pennsylvania.  Since then my Dad has been living every little boys dream.  He drives fire trucks and gets to play cowboy!

He is the president of his local volunteer fire company, is the captain of the fire police, and when there is no other driver, he is the go to guy for driving one of the trucks on fire calls.  Lights and sirens all the way!

Yesterday he got a call at 4:00 am to respond to an accident involving two semis.  One had been stopped, the other plowed into the stopped one.  One of the drivers had two broken femurs.  Though he didn't have to do any medical care yesterday, because he is so often one of the first on scene, he is a certified first responder.

My dad has a gift for coming up with goofy names, and other silly things.  He calls his house "Camp Geezer" because they have a swimming pool, a big screen t.v. and a wii.  Guess where the kids love to hang out. 

They play Rook every week with their neighbors, and my mom bought stuffed crows to pass back and forth between the winners.  For a long time the guys were winning every week, but the women are coming on!

He is a loyal man to his wife (my Momma) and his family. My dad grew up in a broken home, in a time when that was not so common.  Last year participated in Men's Fraternity at his church.  This is a program teaching men about authentic manhood.  I love that, in his 70's, he is still wanting to grow.

We are so blessed to have him in our lives.  We love him and are thankful for him.

He has a great life - everyman should be so lucky.


Becky K. said...

Happy Birthday Bob!!!

This is the year of the "No Open Frame"!!!!

Deanna, You have been blessed with parents who truly love you and love the Lord.

Becky K.

Andrea said...

Happy Birthday, Bob! What an awesome life GOD has given you! My kids would love it at your house, too.


PS: Your dad is just a few years older than my husband...he too is proud of being old...a life well lived is something to be proud of!

Karen said...

I think I've said it before but your dad looks years younger than his age. If I were guessing, I'd be at least a decade off, judging by his picture.

I hope he has a lovely birthday. You are blessed to be able to share so much of your life with your folks.

Tracy said...

He sounds like a wonderful man. You are blessed!

I hope that Rachel did well on her testing.

Anonymous said...


Tracy said...

Enjoy your daddy! Mine is gone close to 4 years and is missed terribly!

kaitlin said...

happy birthday papa!!!! and dad looks funny in the picture haha :p


gail said...

Happy birthday to your Dad, he sounds quite a man. And of course behind every good man is a beautiful woman.

Blessings Gail

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