Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, May 14, 2010

My Mother's Day Gift And A Kitty Update

My girls are so sweet.  They bought me red Converse for Mother's Day.  Lindsay and Emily both have cool converse, Emily got to do a "design your own" as a 16th birthday gift from Grandpa and Grandma, and Lindsay bought a pair of lime green Chuck's low tops.  Every where we went on our vacation they took a photo of their shoes at the location - very fun stuff!  Rachel and Sarah have the cutest 'converse like' shoes.  Rachel's are brown with color polka dots and Sarah's are the cutest ever, with a red madras plaid pattern!

Well, while we were on vacation we were in a Target (of course) and we saw these red Converse, the ones with the star on the side.  I mentioned "Hey, those are cute!"  Because of course, I am a fan of the color red.  

So, now I have red Converse.  I feel 17 years old again!

Here are Fiona, on the left, and Dickon.  They are bob tails though in this photo it looks as if Dickon has a tail. They are eating well, and are growing!  They like a lot of attention.

I am going to have a few hours to myself today, so I am wondering which of many options to do.  Do I do some sewing?  I should plant some flowers that my friend gave me out of her garden.  The problem is, I won't get to half of the things I want to least I am never bored! 

Later, I will take some photos of the crib sheets and blanket I made for my granddaughter to be's crib.  We are having a small family shower on Sunday.  Kayleigh has already had a huge co-ed shower given by her sisters.  I am hosting this one here and I promise to have my photographers take lots of photos!

Need to get busy! Have a great day!


sherry said...

cute little red shoes on cute little feet. ;o) cute kitties too!


Becky K. said...

Enjoy your time to yourself.

The kittens are so very cute!

Those shoes. They crack me up. Your girls got such a thrill out of sneaking(with their Dad's permission, of course, to buy them).

Wearing them this evening?

Becky K.

Anonymous said...

I still wear my pink chucks (when I am not wearing flip flops!)

What are the colors for the new grandbaby?

Also I put a note on FB, but I sent you two books in your parent's package!

Tracy said...

Love the shoes! Enjoy your free time.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...