Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


This morning our two kittens died.  Fiona started to not do well yesterday and struggled through the night.  Dickon however was running all over the house yesterday, so his death is a surprise.  

My girls are sad.  It is alot of work to try to care for kittens that have been abandoned.  They worked so hard everyday to feed them, bathe them and give them love.  We have had litters of kittens before so we knew the signs to watch for indicating development and tried to follow that. Sigh....

They may have had some internal issues that we did not know about - they were abandoned, after all.  Or perhaps they had not been well cared for initially, I guess we will never know.

Tim is out digging their grave, and the girls are cleaning up the space where they cared for them.  

Meanwhile life goes on, as it always does.  The work of life must continue.  Lindsay and I planted our garden on Monday.  Four kinds of tomatoes, 3 kinds of sweet peppers, lettuce, bush beans, purple podded pole beans, nasturtiums (both for edible purposes as well as bug repellers), French baby carrots.  We will plant our French melons next week as well as our potatoes.  It is all a big experiment to see how everything grows.  We are trying things we like and a few things new to us.

Lindsay gave a riding lesson this morning.  I am working on co-op membership.  In a bit I am going to take my ipod and go out to mow.  I like this time every week - I get about an hour and a half to listen to good things and think my thoughts!

What are you up to today?


Phyllis said...

That makes me so sad to hear about the kitties. I just loved them and enjoyed taking care of them.

Terri said...

Hey, Deanna...Sorry about your kitties. So sad for your kids. Our cat was hit by a car two weeks ago...unfortunately right as Emma was getting off the bus! {Sidebar, she had recently peed on my couch and was banished apparently it's MY fault she is no longer with us!} To answer your question...I wish I HAD an answer...would help in the search process so much! I'm finding that I have developed new passions and am trying to figure out where they could be used in a paying job! As for the shop, I would LOVE to reopen, but my sister has moved on and the economy is not on my side. I'd totally jump for an opportunity to do a co-op type situation...BUT, let's be honest, I need a man-size income and that's probably not how I'm going to get it!!! Dilema is this: man sized income w/no desire to leave my family for 8 hrs a day!!! Therein lies the problem!!! So...I search each day, and wait on the Lord to shine a great big spotlight in the right direction!!! Thanks for asking, though!
Hope to run into you again out and about soon!!!
Oh...I think my yard sale will be the first Sat in June, but I'll post it when I know for sure.

Andrea said...

Praying for your sweet they grieve the loss of the little kitties.
Blessings, hugs, and prayers,

Anonymous said...

Check this out for your area!!!

Becky K. said...

I can't believe Dickon died too. That is so sad. Hugs to the kids.

See you tomorrow night.

Becky K.

Tracy said...

SO sorry about the kitties

Kelly said...

Oh, how sad about the poor little kitties. Give hugs of comfort to the dear girls for me.

Simple Home said...

I"m so sorry about the loss of your kittens. I know that must be hard on your kids.
We've been planting this week too. The birds seem to be wanting our strawberries as much as we do, so it's a race each day to see if we can beat them to the best ones. I didn't know about nasturtiums, I'd like to try them as bug repellers.

Emily on the Southern Prairie said...

Oh, I am sorry about the kittens. :(

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...