Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

If It's Thursday It Must Be Co-op Day

We belong to a really good co-op.  The moms are sweet and the kids energetic and bright.

We have belonged to this co-op since it began in 1998.  I have been leading the group for about 5 years, I think.  I don't know 'cause I don't keep track.  For most of these years it has been a pleasure to encourage home educating Moms, to pray for them, to help lead the group so that we could meet for 20 weeks a year and have classes, field trips, etc.

I recently informed the group that this will be my last year leading.  We are also not going to return next year.  If you had asked me 6 months ago, I would have said "I'm in for another year."  But the Lord has directed me otherwise and I am sort of in shock.  I am not sad, in fact I am kind of giddy about it!  Isn't that weird?

It's not really.  It's just that the Lord has lead us down some interesting paths since we began home educating in 1994.  The Lord has lead us to a practice of hospitality and encouragement through our church fellowship.  As a family we regularly welcome up to 30 people into our home every Sunday, give or take a few Sundays.  This has been such a blessing to us and we have seen the Lord lead us more in this direction.

One person (me) cannot do it "all."  The administration of the co-op was becoming burdensome to me.  But still I wasn't thinking about not leading, even though Tim and I had spoken of it.  Then one day the Lord just said "It's time" and I had perfect peace about it!

I am looking forward to not having to do paperwork, name tags, membership forms and folders, meetings etc.  I will dearly miss the moms from my group.  I love them.  I will miss getting to talk and encourage new homeschool moms that they "CAN do it!  God will help you!"

Emily graduates this May and then I will have only three students; Rachel, Sarah, and Kyle.  I am hoping to get together with some friends who home educate and go on field trips, and park days and have a book club. I am looking forward to having the Dads be a part of these times as well.

Mostly I am looking forward to time to focus on the things that the Lord has led us to. There are so many good things to be involved with but I am looking forward to being able to do what is best for MY family at this time.

This Thursday however, it is onward and upward.  There is a literature class to teach, many little issues to solve (always) and people to enjoy!

Pray for us as we make this transition over the next ten weeks.


Becky K. said...

This brought friend!

It is beautiful and I know it comes from the heart.

Love You,

Tracy said...

It's so good that you are able to recognize when the Lord is leading. I'm thankful that you have peace about this and that you're even excited.

Mama to 12, so far said...

I am glad you are listening to the Lord! MAy the transition be smooth and peaceful.

Nicole said...

WOW - I have to tell you that this year I was voted in as the president of our Homeschool association group. I was really excited and had some (what I thought) great ideas for the group. But having a specail ed kid, church and everything else, I too had decided to not just not be the president next year, but also not be apart of the group. I have to do what is best for my family and not running around like crazy for the group is going to be the best thing. God has been laying it on my heart for sometime, but I tend to fight Him at first (something I am working on). Thank you for sharing this. The peace that came to me when reading it was what I needed. God Bless you Deanna!!!!

Diane Shiffer said...

This is our first year out of co-op as well... and sometimes I feel guilty about not participating. But all of the running around and all of the prep work that went into co-op activities each week just seemed so overwhelming at times- and I am not the leader of our group, only one of the moms and teachers! I can only imagine what an incredible amount of work you put into leading your group. This year has been so much more relaxing for us, and truthfully we've had our best year in a long time, academically speaking. Praying that you have a wonderful year next year too♥

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